What the Bleep -- Words Fail Me.


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Nov 27, 2011
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St. Louis
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Walking to the grocery today. Couple years ago the city put out these planters in various locations around the neighborhood. Folks stepped up and started to take care of them as expected. We have one at either end of our block. The one down the block from this one has mums in it as is appropriate this time of year, etc.

But this one recently turned into....well.....I don't know what to call that. Is it vandalism? Maybe a psychotic expression of.....psychosis? Someone resented the city's presumption that we'd appreciate having them so they.....all I can think of is Mary Engelbreit does Veterans Day on drugs.


I don't think plastic wilts.
More than the decorations, it's the method of construction that is offending my sensibilities.
Freedom has many forms. Freedom is led by most active, not necessarily most sensible. This picture shows perfect example of that problem.
More than the decorations, it's the method of construction that is offending my sensibilities.
Looks like those walls are going to fall over.

Those bricks have little ledges on the back so they can't be constructed straight up unless one chisels off the ledges. Looks a bit shoddy construction to me too.
More than the decorations, it's the method of construction that is offending my sensibilities.

Not only sloppy, but more a liability.
More than the decorations, it's the method of construction that is offending my sensibilities.
Looks like those walls are going to fall over.

Those bricks have little ledges on the back so they can't be constructed straight up unless one chisels off the ledges. Looks a bit shoddy construction to me too.

Memory tells me it's been more than 5 but less than 10 years since the city put those into the neighborhood. I think the neighborhood association was involved at the time. They have started to shift and fall apart -- some more than others. A lot depends on who has "adopted" them and takes care of them. My wife and I and our neighbor across the street try and keep the one on our block looking good.

I think maybe somebody thought this looked good... they picked specific colors, and have a red (sort of), white, blue, & gold kind of thing going, bought scarecrows - I think someone actually gave this some thought and in their opinion this looks nice. Whoever volunteers to do this for any block I guess picks how to fill in/decorate it. Til they all start falling apart...

Maybe the neighborhood association will need to establish guidelines (like, what to use in the winter when annual plants won't be growing, etc.), or make arrangements thru a local nursery? garden center? to offer what may be used for these.
Might be time to head down to the dollar store with a $20 bill to replace the blue fake flowers and scarecrows with something just a little tiny bit classier.
I think maybe somebody thought this looked good... they picked specific colors, and have a red (sort of), white, blue, & gold kind of thing going, bought scarecrows - I think someone actually gave this some thought and in their opinion this looks nice. Whoever volunteers to do this for any block I guess picks how to fill in/decorate it. Til they all start falling apart...

Maybe the neighborhood association will need to establish guidelines (like, what to use in the winter when annual plants won't be growing, etc.), or make arrangements thru a local nursery? garden center? to offer what may be used for these.

So does that mean you're going with psychotic?

The scarecrows might be a temporary addition, soon to be replaced with turkeys and pilgrims. After that, there's snowmen and santas.....
No accounting for taste, there are people who like every square foot of their entire yard filled with every inflatable imaginable. Or one piddly string of lights in umpteen shades of blue strung across the front porch. Or... well yeah, they probably bought the décor at the dollar store.

Thanksgiving will be over soon enough, give thanks it's not in front of your house and maybe it will be someone else's turn next (time for flamingos with tinsel).
...........Thanksgiving will be over soon enough, ..........

Gawd, I hope so. I'm already tired of the Easter and Memorial Day crap in the stores. I'm itchin' to start buying fireworks for the 4th.

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