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Nov 8, 2010
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Had a great laugh at this one.... Blog labelled "**** photojournalists like / Judging Amateurs"



Also seemingly very, very true.
Ok. Well, I think the forum hates me and thinks I suck, because the language filter is ruining my fun with the link.

For those interested, here is the link.... http://poopphotojournalistslike.tumblr.com/post/2942680446/judging-amateurs

but instead of "poop" (underlined, italicsed and bolded) the term is the more unacceptable, non-pc word that starts with an s.

Worth the headache to copy and paste into your browser with the necessary correction.
link isn't working
Sounds like sour apple whine to me. I bet the author of that piece eats alone every night.

I'm sure the spite is tongue-in-cheek. If not, then you're right. He's an asshat. A hilarious, hilarious Asshat.
I'm sure the spite is tongue-in-cheek. If not, then you're right. He's an asshat. A hilarious, hilarious Asshat.

I have a very strong distaste towards elitists of any type, and I have to say that, even in my short time as a hackatuer photographer, I've yet to encounter a "pro" photographer that wasn't dismissive and snarky to my face. I like taking pictures of them to piss them off.:lol:

All I can say to dudes like that is, don't hate me and my $500 DSLR and kit lenses, hate Nikon for making it so cheap that I can get all up inside your game, sucka.:lol:

You should see how territorial the "pro" photographers are in snowboard parks, especially Breckenridge. They act like, if you take a certain picture, you're stealing it from them. Doesn't help that most of them are bro-brah trustfund hippies with their typical attitudes, and not really "professional" at all, they're just trying to break into something, just like I am. Except their gear is much more expensive...as are their clothes. Tools.
Wow, I didn't expect folks to take offense at this.... I'm as much or more of a beginner thatn anyone here....... Kit lens and all.... and I found it to be roll-on-the-ground funny. I figured it would be a welcomed laugh after the forum being down for a while and all.....

Besides. If you can't laugh at yourself, don't worry... someone will do it for you. :D

I guess my interaction with "pro" phototakers has been much more plesant. I have found folks very willing to help me as a rank noob. My apologies that everyone seems to give you the brush off.
Yeah and I guess they came out of the womb being a professional too, right? Everybody has to start somewhere but I guess they forgot that time in their life... Obviously, if they can't make the money for their 'real' job, they they suck at being a photographer or they suck at being a business person or there is no demand in their area for that talent. Ummm, I don't see why amateurs have anything to do with that.

I am with ya, Croissant!!!

I have a very strong distaste towards elitists of any type, and I have to say that, even in my short time as a hackatuer photographer, I've yet to encounter a "pro" photographer that wasn't dismissive and snarky to my face. I like taking pictures of them to piss them off.:lol:

All I can say to dudes like that is, don't hate me and my $500 DSLR and kit lenses, hate Nikon for making it so cheap that I can get all up inside your game, sucka.:lol:
Wow, I didn't expect folks to take offense at this.... I'm as much or more of a beginner thatn anyone here....... Kit lens and all.... and I found it to be roll-on-the-ground funny. I figured it would be a welcomed laugh after the forum being down for a while and all.....

Besides. If you can't laugh at yourself, don't worry... someone will do it for you. :D

I guess my interaction with "pro" phototakers has been much more plesant. I have found folks very willing to help me as a rank noob. My apologies that everyone seems to give you the brush off.

I certainly didn't take offense at YOU, you didn't write that piece. Did you?:lol:

It's just an attitude that rubs me the wrong way, doesn't matter what sector of life it's in. And for that matter, elitists give me a target for MY ire, which is great because there's nothing more satisfying than making fun of someone who is convinced they're better than you are.:lol:

My exposure level to guys like that might be a bit higher because of some of the places I shoot: ski areas, snowboard parks, and live music venues. When you roll up on a situation where there are several other cameras, people with super nice gear tend to look at your camera first, then your skills, which is a joke. And I'm not even handing out business cards. :lol:
I thought it was funny, and I get the feeling it was written in a spirit of good natured fun. If you've been on photography forums for any length of time, you've seen the new member who posts what they believe to be a masterpiece. When they get honest critique rather than glowing accolades, they're never heard from again. Or the members with more $ than common sense who think the gear makes the photographer. These are the people being poked fun at, and again, I don't think it's mean spirited, just a bit of satire.
Wow, I didn't expect folks to take offense at this.... I'm as much or more of a beginner thatn anyone here....... Kit lens and all.... and I found it to be roll-on-the-ground funny. I figured it would be a welcomed laugh after the forum being down for a while and all.....

Besides. If you can't laugh at yourself, don't worry... someone will do it for you. :D

I guess my interaction with "pro" phototakers has been much more plesant. I have found folks very willing to help me as a rank noob. My apologies that everyone seems to give you the brush off.

I think some people just have restricted air space over their heads, and that joke flew right through it.

I thought a lot of the posts were quite funny though. Nice find. :thumbup:
I went to the linked article and read it and laughed....holding up "photojournalists" as the epitome of photographers made me laugh.
Oh, this is gonna be a fun thread.

Many of your opinions will change when you become very good at what you do, and have to compete with hacks on a daily basis. I won't use the word pro, though. One can be a pro at something, and still not be very good at it, and typically charge accordingly.

I am repeatedly faced with this in my profession. I will be told that so and so can do it for $xxx.xx much less than I charge. I tell them to take it to them. Yes, then comes the dear in headlights stare. How dare I turn down a job because I won't price match. I have no reason to.


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