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What to do with those shots taken at 6.3 fps


TPF Noob!
Apr 22, 2009
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New Hampshire
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I have done some shooting at 6.3 fps with my 50D but what the heck can you do with them to be creative such as showing them all together as one image.
So, anyone have any creative ideas?
hmmm how about some macro shots with bugs or water drops? Even sports will do it. In portraiture I rarely use that feature.
Well, I already got some sweet tubing shots of my brother eating the water for lunch but I'd like to do something to pull them all together.
Aren't you supposed to figure this out first?

When I worked doing multi projectors slide shows for the military we used shots like that to give an impression of movement somewhere on the screen. But that is the only time I have seen those types of photos used together.

Today, I find it easier to use video and take out frames to get a similar effect.

Most people who use this function however are just looking to use one frame. The best one.
How about a collage:

Thanks guys! I'll try a collage I guess
usually i do a lot of surf photography and ill use it to get the like the whole surf move a guy is doing and ill pick the best one and discard the rest.
Aren't you supposed to figure this out first?


Most people who use this function however are just looking to use one frame. The best one.

Agreed, and that's exactly what I'm looking for with burst shots. I don't want all of the images. Most are likely to be crap because the subject is in the wrong place, wrong part of their movement, whatever. What I want is the best one. But my 450D is pretty limited in buffer size and shooting speed, so I've been learning to time my shots better. Hey! A low-end camera forces me to learn shtuff! Go figure. :greenpbl:
Finished 'em!

nice collages there man. how much horse power was pushin that boat? it looks pretty fast
nice collages there man. how much horse power was pushin that boat? it looks pretty fast
Don't you mean how much horsepower was needed to pull that tube?!
It's just a 140 Mercruiser in a '86 Stingray. She's an oldie. Only tops at about 35mph with one person in it.
35mph on a tube is still pretty quick though!
We don't usually tube at full throttle unless it's my brother driving! Now that's scary and I speak from experience! :pale:

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