Whats faulty?


TPF Noob!
Jul 7, 2024
Reaction score
Paignton Devon UK
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hi all, firstly this is my first message to the forum and i hope that i am posting in the right place.
I have a Nikon D3100 which i have had for a while but stopped using for a quite some time. I've recently picked it up again but have noticed that the pictures are showing a weird effect at the top of them. I've tried two different lenses and have had it set to Auto.
Any ideas where the fault might lie and whether it can be rectified?
All thoughts are welcome.
Hi there! - Do you have an example to show? When you say 'weird' it may good to explain a bit more ;) - eg. a black bar at the top may indicate a shutter issue.
Post an example and maybe someone will be able to help more.
Yes more information needed. I've had one for 12 years or so and it's been fine. Sits for long periods while I'm using others or just not taking photos and no problems. It's even traveled on a motorcycle many times.

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