What's he smoking?


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Nov 3, 2012
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There was a tufty tailed creeper bug that living on my bean plants. I brought him in to get a closer look with the extension tubes, because you bug guys are a bad influence. Only what you guys aren't saying is that a bug will just keep creeping around the other side of the bean away from the big scary lens every time I focus or adjust aperture. And then when I turned my back on it to grab a flash, poof! It's gone.

And now I'm all jumpy and I keep feeling bugs on me that aren't there. And I didn't get a single good shot of the little creeper.

What the heck is this thing? And where is it now???


Mr. Squirrels glanced over my shoulder at this shot and said, "What's he smoking?"

ETA: Aigh! It's on my leg! Oh, nevermind. It isn't.



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I got some extension tubes and reversing rings last week. Not had the chance to really play with them yet but one of the things I want to do is take a pic of a spider, the thing is I don't like spiders!!!
Right? Why am I bringing this thing into my house?
Ah HAH! He's a plant hopper nymph. Hmm...That doesn't seem nearly as deadly.
Yeah any time the word nymph is used it reduces deadliness by 63%.
Well, one way to slow down their skittishness, is to pop them for a short time into the fridge (not freezer - that can/will ice them permanently). Of course, the bug preferably is in an enclosed container so that it can't make its escape into your veggies and your leftovers...
Not quite the same thing but it came to mind...

Well, one way to slow down their skittishness, is to pop them for a short time into the fridge (not freezer - that can/will ice them permanently). Of course, the bug preferably is in an enclosed container so that it can't make its escape into your veggies and your leftovers...

Brilliant! Yeah, it is important to mention the enclosed container. That would have been my first rookie mistake!
As long as the buggy is not on me. What the hell is that thing.

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