whats makes the photographer?


TPF Noob!
Jul 19, 2007
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jacksonville, fl
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In your opinion what makes a photographer?

Im sure everyone will agree that simply buying a high Price camera and snaping Random things do not qualify you as a photog.

So what makes a photog and what makes you graduate from a newbie to a intermediate to a professional?
The recognition of your peers, I would say. Just making money at photography isn't enough, because I've seen people pay through the nose for horrible work.
Have you forgotten a "don't" in your second sentence, Christina?
Did you not want to say "I'm sure everyone will agree that simply buying a high price camera and snapping random things don't qualify you as a photog"?
I would think so!

Until someone called me one a few months ago and even made that word appear in the local paper in connection with my name I would never have dared to think of myself as one. A "hobby photographer", ok. But not without that qualification.

Now I sell (some), and people say the photos are "wonderful" ... and I still have a hard time to believe any of that. I try. OK. But ... I always think anyone else at the same place and time with a camera in hand could have done the same?!

So well... I tend to think that you would need to have had some training, know darkroom work, the chemicals, the processes, film and printing and all those things first, PLUS have the eye, the technical knowledge of how your camera works and all those things ... and then you have LEARNED the trade.

But if you then are an "artist", well ... that still is the question. A trained photographer you might then be. But the other?
Just because I am an amature doesn't mean I'm not a photographer. I also don't think there's a requirement to be good.

I think it would be the mindset. A non-photographer buys an expensive digital camera for his holidays. A photographer is someone who will get up at sunrise, or hike up the mountain for the sunset, or walk somewhere and wait for the perfect moment. If you can say that you truly enjoy taking photos and make an effort to do so, I think only then can you call yourself a photographer.
Just because I am an amature doesn't mean I'm not a photographer. I also don't think there's a requirement to be good.

I think it would be the mindset. A non-photographer buys an expensive digital camera for his holidays. A photographer is someone who will get up at sunrise, or hike up the mountain for the sunset, or walk somewhere and wait for the perfect moment. If you can say that you truly enjoy taking photos and make an effort to do so, I think only then can you call yourself a photographer.

well said i think
Just because I am an amature doesn't mean I'm not a photographer. I also don't think there's a requirement to be good.

I think it would be the mindset. A non-photographer buys an expensive digital camera for his holidays. A photographer is someone who will get up at sunrise, or hike up the mountain for the sunset, or walk somewhere and wait for the perfect moment. If you can say that you truly enjoy taking photos and make an effort to do so, I think only then can you call yourself a photographer.

Very well said. Whether you make money or not, whether you have formal training or not are of little consequence in my opinion. I would say a real "photographer" is someone with a passion for the art and a strong visual sense of what makes a photograph a photograph instead of just another random snap shot. Your level of photographic knowledge is important as well. All in all a tough question really.
i think a photographer, may it be amatur or professional.

depends on the level of education and experience the person has. even if it is self taught, or taught by a professor. It depends on the amount of effort and time that one will put into learning to things and trying to expand their knowledge, but to me a true photograoher is some one who is consumed by the art, and can show that passion through their work.
For me a photographer has to have a vision of what they wish to achieve and the technical competance to be able to deliver on that vision.

Somehow that doesn't seem enough though, as anyone with a disposable can achieve that in a (formerly) smokey pub on a Friday night.

We then come to the question of who decides what they've produced has any merit/worth? Who is qualified to do that then?
In your opinion what makes a photographer?

Photographers are born, not made ;)

That being said, all the 'true' photographers that I have known over the years are possessed by Photography. It is their very soul, or 'essence'.
I once had a long and interesting conversation with a wonderful photographer called Sue. We both agreed that if given the choice between never having another orgasm and never taking another good photograph we would unhesitatingly choose never having another orgasm.
So I would say that a photographer is someone who thinks taking pictures is better than sex.
But I'm biased :lmao:
Oh? Read this. http://www.thephotoforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=95045

You would think that doctors after 8 years of college and an internship would be good too. Ever heard of Malpractice insurance?

I get paid for my work. If I sucked at it, I would not make a living. There are bad people in all professions.

I did not get into photography to make money. It just worked out that way. There have been many, many times that I wish I did not make a living with a camera.

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