Whats some good Minolta lenses?


TPF Noob!
Jul 9, 2010
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Kannapolis, NC
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Going to buy a lens, or two for my Sony A230. So far I'm looking at the Minolta AF 28-100mm F/3.5-5.6, and the MINOLTA AF 50mm f1.7. Taking in the crop factor of my sensor. These two should give me a good rang along with my kit lens. I mostly do outdoor shooting, and I'm getting into portraits more as well. I am also considering the Sigma 28-70 F2.8. Both Minolta lens together will cost the same of the Sigma. Do you guys have any suggestion for other Minolta, or Sony lenses? My budget will be around $150 at most.

Here a Link to each lens.

50mm F1.7 - MINOLTA MAXXUM AF 50mm f1.7 (22) Lens - Near Mint - eBay (item 330465550994 end time Sep-25-10 22:58:01 PDT)

28-100mm - Minolta AF 28-100mm F/3.5-5.6 Zoom Lens, Sony - eBay (item 220662911775 end time Sep-30-10 20:43:29 PDT)

Sigmas 28-70 F2.8 - Sigma 28-70mm f/2.8-4 DG Compact Zoom Autofocus Lens 634205 -

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