Where are your favourite parts of the forum?


instigator of pottymouthedness
May 25, 2003
Reaction score
I like to check the Photo gallery and/or here(general) first.
i then look at the general photog, themes and welcome forums.

where's the first place u check?
i always do a search for new topics first :D

but my favorite is the off topic ... then the General Q&A ... im not in the mood all the time to critique a photo .. so unless im in a "serious" mood .. i'll go to the photo gallery :) ... but mostly, i like to see what people are up too as far as photographing is concerned ..
The general off topic... is saved in my favourites so i always start off in here then have a wonder about.
Same here, if I don't have a lot of time I tend to come here or General, rather than try to critique a few photos.

But I like checking everything out, as time permits, just to see what everyone's doing. :D
I often check the names on the index page, if i don't see my username i make sure it ends up there :twisted: . I also do occassional look ups on the people photo posts, see what stuff they are up too.
I like checking out the mod forum first; it is way cooler then the rest of the forum. ...jk. Actually it is pretty lame. Chase usually just uses it to complain about server problems :roll:

So anyway I start with the Challenge section and work my way down. Sometimes I jump right into the Off Topic threads if I don't have a lot of time to check everything else out.
TwistMyArm said:
I like checking out the mod forum first; it is way cooler then the rest of the forum. ...jk. Actually it is pretty lame. Chase usually just uses it to complain about server problems :roll:

Come on, man! You're giving away my secrets here! ;)

And as for the rest of you...there is no such thing as the mod forum. No, really...I swear, it doesn't exist. Seriously, it is a myth! You have MY word! :wink:
The first of the mod forum is there is no mod forum
The second rule of the mod forum is THERE IS NO MOD FORUM
voodoocat said:
The first of the mod forum is there is no mod forum
The second rule of the mod forum is THERE IS NO MOD FORUM


I'm thinking we may need a new photo challenge moderator soon, any volunteers?! :eyebrows:

And as for Twist :spank: (and no perv comments on the spanking icon!)
Voodoo, only two guys in the mod forum at all times...

Only one conversation at a time..

Conversations in the mod forum go on as long as they have too...

IF its your first night in the mod forum...you have to talk.

i go down the list and then check to see who is on, so i can bug them!!

Looks like I'm normal, afterall;I check the "Off topic" 1st, then Q&A, post photos & themes almost everytime i'm on here.......the rest are usually only if I'm looking for something specific or killing time. (Sorry, there are a lot of forums here).

Mark, LOL, gotta have your name on each page!
I normally follow the link from the E-mail follow-ups for starters and then work my way down from Q&A.
Gotta admit I really like the off-topic stuff though.

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