Many yeas ago, I did some outdoor writing - sold about 75 articles. I had a regular job and gradually stopped writing. Now I am retired and plan to maybe try to get some stuff published again - mostly my interest is technical stuff about guns, reloading, hunting, etc. These articles require close up photos of bullets, shell cases, targets, etc. I also need to get shots of guys shooting, reloading and hunting/shooting scenes. Before I could get by with B & W 35 photos - now you need digital color. I use a cheap Kodak for fun, but I think I need something better. I have been researching digital cameras and I am thinking that the D 50 would work. I am told that the kit lenses that come with the D 50 are not very good. I am thinking about just buying the D 50 body and just buying the lens that I need. Can I get by with one lens? Exactly which do you suggest? I am sort of a klutz regarding Digital - is the D 50 fairly easy to operate? If you have suggestions regarding another more suitable digital, I am not fixed on the D 50. It just seems to suit my needs and the price is reasonable. Thanks guys.