Which edit? C&C welcome!


TPF Noob!
Dec 30, 2013
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United States of America.
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit

I've been having fun messing around with Lightroom! :lol:
I'm trying to master getting the exact feel that I am looking for with a photo...which is actually more difficult than I thought it might be! I'de prefer to be able to do it myself instead of buying the presets for lightroom (even though I have been drooling over pretty presets for awhile now hahah).
Sooooo which of these edits do you guys like better? Or if neither, how would you suggest it changed? I am trying to capture an ethereal, fairy feel for this darling little girl.
Definitely the image on the left; the other appears to have too much red, and be even further under-exposed.
Ethereal fairy type feel usually means lowering the clarity slider to 0, or into the negative range; both these appear to have too much midtone contrast for an ethereal feeling.

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