Which Lens and settings?


TPF Noob!
Oct 29, 2015
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Can others edit my Photos
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This isn't my photo - first of all.

Which lens and/or settings could have been used in capturing this photo?

*mod edit - hosted image removed*
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Why don't you email her and ask her ==> contact
But if you look closely at the photo
and inspect what is and is not in focus then that can help you deduce an approximate aperture.

The more blur close to an infocus spot then the bigger the aperture lens .. dependent upon distance.

I'm sure Derrel would be able to take a good guess.
fyi .. you aren't allowed to post other ppl pictures but you can provide a link.
but a quick search find the answer in her blog
" I currently use Nikon D700's What is your favorite lens? my 85mm 1.4 It's dreamy."

which is a few years old ... so she may have a new camera body, but that lens is awesome.
According the EXIF data of the image it was shot with a D700 F/2.8 Shutter 1/1250 Focal length 155mm.
I had a feeling about posting other people's photos, that's why I stated that it wasn't mine, just in case. I know for next time!

I just wanted a few opinions, that's all. I knew aperture played a part in capturing this shot. I really like the lighting in the background, almost like a haze, and I'm just curious as to which settings or techniques could have been used to get this.
I know filters could add to the "dreamy" look, but I don't use filters and I keep reading they aren't really recommended.
According the EXIF data of the image it was shot with a D700 F/2.8 Shutter 1/1250 Focal length 155mm.
I need a new EXIF reader .. mine didn't show any detailed EXIF
but a quick search find the answer in her blog
" I currently use Nikon D700's What is your favorite lens? my 85mm 1.4 It's dreamy."

which is a few years old ... so she may have a new camera body, but that lens is awesome.

Thanks! :) I haven't even thought to look here!
What camera are you using. A fast aperture telephoto will get close
I own a Nikon D3200, and currently three lenses:

Kit lens
50mm-200mm zoom lens
50mm portrait lens
You will struggle to get that kind of seperation with either zoom, but maybe wide open with your 50mm. Get in position to fill the frame with your subject and try and have the background as far away as possible to render it oof completely, try at f1.8, which wont be the sharpest setting on this lens, but this type of photo it may work. Take a few shots and try keep the eyes in focus, tiny, tiny movements will put them oof, which you don't want.

Also make sure that the shutter speed is fairly high, @ f1.8 it should be, but keep it at least 1/125 but more if possible, use iso to keep the ss up. Do this all in aperture priority. Try f2.2 and 2.8 also, these should be sharper but its a balance between being really oof background and subject sharpness
Thank you :) I will most certainly give it a try!

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