Why am i not getting the sharpness to my pictures that i am looking for? please help


TPF Noob!
Mar 4, 2012
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United Kingdom
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
So im relatively new to photography.
I am finding that im not getting those crisp clear shots that i am looking for. My images always seem to come out looking soft. is it a focusing problem, because im focusing first on the part of the image i want clear and then recomposing before taking the picture.
Ok so i dont have the greatest camera. i am using fuji finepix hs20 exr. bridge camera. clearly i realise that at some point i will have to upgrade my camera but at this point i really dont think im ready to take that step yet.
I would be so grateful for any advice.
I have attached a couple of images so you can see what i mean. :)


  • $1037.jpg
    971.8 KB · Views: 204
If you are shooting jpeg, have you adjusted your jpeg settings in camera to increase sharpening.
Are you shooting wide open, are you shooting at high iso, are you shooting without enough shutter speed.

If you focus and recompose in situations where you have thin depth of field that will definitely cause your initial focus area to be less sharp.
Your Fuji HS70EXR has a 30x superzoom lens. To achieve that superzoom range many design compromises had to be made that all negatively affect image quality.
Any lens that has a 10x or more zoom range has the same issues.

So that is likely the main issue that is causing a lack of focus sharpness.

However, most digital cameras use an active pixel image sensor that has a anti-aliasing (AA) filter in front of it. The AA filter also softens focus to some degree depending on the agressiveness of the filter. Consequently, pretty much all digital images need some amount of post process image sharpening. Real World Image Sharpening with Adobe Photoshop, Camera Raw, and Lightroom (2nd Edition)

Depth-of-field (DoF) and using to slow a shutter speed can also be an issue.

DoF can get so shallow it can be dificult to get everything in focus you want to be in focus.

When shutter speed is to slow, camera shake and subject movement can make photo focus soft.

Here is some additional information about How Do I Use My Digital SLR?: How to Get Sharply Focused Images
Thanks Mried
Ive just gone through the menu settings on my camera and the only options i have are, raw, raw +jpeg or off.
Also when you say shooting wide open, excuse me if i sound daft but not sure exactly what you mean. :-/
I generally stick at 100/200 iso. and i am adjusting shutter speed accordingly i think depending on what im photographing. for example. the wasps i shot this morning. settings were 100 iso, 1/800 shutter speed and aperture f 5. also had exposure set two stops over.
Have just realised that my camera is also switched to dynamic range 100. not quite sure what dynamic range is for :meh:. could that be part of the problem aswell ?
Time for an upgrade. Seems like you have the passion. Go get yourself some better gear and you could get some better result. The bridge cameras can usually do a lot of things good but nothing really great. Not saying you have to get a super high dollar DSLR but something a little better wouldnt hurt.
So I assume you are shooting jpegs and not doing any post processing.
Is there no place in your menus to increase the sharpening on your jpegs.

As KMH said your camera may be showing you the max of it's potential.

Your settings sound appropriate for what you were shooting.

Try something from a solid rest with those settings without recomposing after you focus. If the image is not sharp then you may need to try applying some unsharp mask in post processing.

Also, sharpness really is overrated, the pics you posted look ok to me for the subject matter, your skill level and the equipment you are using.
No im not really doing any post processing. i have gimp and recently downloaded a trial version of photoshop cs5.1. But to be truthful i dont know much about the editing side of things. Really just the basics, i.e adjusting exposure,contrast etc, and have recently started experimenting with curves.
I have gone right through my camera settings and there doesnt seem to be an option for increasing the sharpening.
I have switched the setting to raw+jpeg so maybe that might make some difference
i love love love taking photographs,and i look at some images and they really inspire me. they are so clear and in detail. and i want to shoot images like that someday soon.
i know it sounds mad but when i take a photograph that i really like i get a certain satisfaction that i created that image.
Maybe as already stated i do need to upgrade my camera.But those huge cameras with all the crazy lenses scare the life out of me.lol.
I edited the baby photo.

I corrected the color, reduced the exposure, and added some mid-tone contrast. I cropped the photo so the baby's right eye is on a Rule of Thirds (ROT) power point. I selectively sharpened just the baby's facial mask (eyes, nose, mouth) and added a thin black border. I used 2 sharpening techniques: one that enhances local contrast rather than actually sharpening, and the second to add some sharpness.

Keep it on jpeg, if you are not processing no point in Raw.
There are some point and shoots out there that take great pictures, and are plenty sharp.
Canon s95, takes really nice photos for one.
Shoot jpegs, they look great right out of the camera.
Wow. kmh. what a diffrence.
Now seeing your edited version the baby was very pink wasnt she?
I think i need to go and research myself some editing technics.lol.
Also will switch my camera back to jpeg. Mreid. Thankyou
More magenta than pink, but yes, the white balance was off.

Here, not as much color correction nor crop was needed. She was under exposed so I added exposure, whitened her teeth and the whites of her eyes. There was a pinlight (apparently from an on camera flash unit) in her pupils that I got rid of (cloned out). I also got rid of some JPEG artifacts on her nose and other blemishes on her face and arms using the Spot Healing brush. I did the same 2 stop contrast/sharpening I mentioned above.

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Thankyou KMH so much.
I have learnt alot. :)
I am going to go and teach my self some of the editing technics that you have showed me on the two pictures today.
Thankyou everyone for being so helpful. :)

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