Wideangle Lenses


TPF Noob!
Dec 12, 2007
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Memphis, TN
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I am looking to buy a wideangle lens for my Nikon D40. Im trying to stay around or under $200. Any suggestions? Thanks.
I am looking to buy a wideangle lens for my Nikon D40. Im trying to stay around or under $200. Any suggestions? Thanks.


try $900 for the AF-S 12-24, pretty much your only choice if you want a wide lens that will autofocus on your D40.

Or you can defeat half the purpose of shooting Nikon and buy the sigma 10-20 for $500.

The advantage of the sigma is that it's 2mm wider, that's an equiv. of 15mm vs 18 on APS-C. That's a big difference, and that could be worth it. I can see that being useful.

The disadvantage is that depreciation hits harder if you try to sell it off, it's not a Nikkor so if Nikon has any tricks up their sleeves, the sigma most likely wont' be ready, and i've heard alot about autofocus problems with the 10-20.

Personally, if I needed a the viewing angle of a 15mm, I would buy the sigma and (at least try to) not look back, otherwise, i'd keep everything in the family and use the 12-24.
Under $200?!?

Even used you're hard pressed to get something. Cheapest/widest at that level that'll work with a D40 is the kit 18-55.

Once you get below - or above - the midrange 24-85 lenses it seems like prices go up quickly - at a rate proportional to their speed.

Some third party lenses - like the Tokina 12-24 are decent values compared to Nikon but others....... the good ones are fewer in number than the mediocre ones.

Ebay and other places have some cheap "add-on" lenses that work with the 18-55 to give you a wider angle ($40 or so if I remember right) but can't say if they're worth it or not. Might work for what you want but I'd try one before buying.
Nikon and inexpensive lenses... those two concepts do not generally go together.

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