Wildlife for C&C Please

Nov 26, 2010
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Hi Guys,

Happy New Year.

I found this photo that I took during the summer. I love the comp and the pose of the gorilla. It seems like a very human pose. However, I'm not sure about the brightness/contrast, etc...


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Excellent framing but I think it lacks darker tones.

Thanks for the feedback. Those are the things I'm in the process of learning. What do you mean exactly? Can you elaborate?

I did adjust the contrast and brightness some. Is this what you mean?

The photo itself is gorgeous but I do agree-some darker tones would look stunning!
Excellent framing but I think it lacks darker tones.

Thanks for the feedback. Those are the things I'm in the process of learning. What do you mean exactly? Can you elaborate?

I did adjust the contrast and brightness some. Is this what you mean?


I copied the photo into my elements 5.0 I adjusted or increased the contrast on the slider to +15. It was an improvement in darker tones. However the eyes tended to get lost in the darkness the more I increased beyond 15 and around 28. So I might avoid performing that adjustment excessively on the eyes. Creative selecting and feathering can avoid the eyes getting too dark if choosing to go to 28 on the slider.

Which is 15 and which is 28 on the contrast slider?

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Like this?


I bumped up the contrast a bit more.

Yeah, I really like that one a lot better. It just brings it out, IMO. Good job!
Excellent framing but I think it lacks darker tones.

Thanks for the feedback. Those are the things I'm in the process of learning. What do you mean exactly? Can you elaborate?

I did adjust the contrast and brightness some. Is this what you mean?


I copied the photo into my elements 5.0 I adjusted or increased the contrast on the slider to +15. It was an improvement in darker tones. However the eyes tended to get lost in the darkness the more I increased beyond 15 and around 28. So I might avoid performing that adjustment excessively on the eyes. Creative selecting and feathering can avoid the eyes getting too dark if choosing to go to 28 on the slider.

Which is 15 and which is 28 on the contrast slider?

I would say the one on the bottom is 28. It looks darker.
i've found that one of the most useful adjustments to an image is Contrast, it just makes it look sharper and more colorful (depending on the adjustment) IMO.
Thanks for the feedback. Those are the things I'm in the process of learning. What do you mean exactly? Can you elaborate?

I did adjust the contrast and brightness some. Is this what you mean?


I copied the photo into my elements 5.0 I adjusted or increased the contrast on the slider to +15. It was an improvement in darker tones. However the eyes tended to get lost in the darkness the more I increased beyond 15 and around 28. So I might avoid performing that adjustment excessively on the eyes. Creative selecting and feathering can avoid the eyes getting too dark if choosing to go to 28 on the slider.

Which is 15 and which is 28 on the contrast slider?

I would say the one on the bottom is 28. It looks darker.

Correct and the eyes look sunken so I would not choose an adjustment going to 28 on the Elements 5.0 slider.
For contrast i like to use a curves adjustment. Open curves and push the top of the diagonal line upwards just a bit and bring the bottom left corner of the diagonal line down just a bit. As for the eyes you can use the eraser or history brush to bring the eyes back to original or if they are still too dark you can use the dodge tool with shadows selected to brighten them as in the 2nd photo...



Thanks for your help with this!

I like it
At first i was concerned that the head was cut off
But i dont think it takes away from the image
Good job : )
love the pic, especially with the higher contrast

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