Wineglass lenses

The Barbarian

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Dec 14, 2005
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At lunch the other day, I looked out to the patio, and saw a wine glass that looked odd. Using the telephoto on my phone, I took a look. The glass held two images of the background, one inverted and one upright. Convex and concave; different results.

Edit: Actually, there are three images. One above the liquid, one though the liquid, and one through the stem.
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Interesting observation there🤘... glad it wasn't the wine distorting your view🤣.

At lunch the other day, I looked out to the patio, and saw a wine glass that looked odd. Using the telephoto on my phone, I took a look. The glass held two images of the background, one inverted and one upright. Convex and concave; different results.

Edit: Actually, there are three images. One above the liquid, one though the liquid, and one through the stem.
nicely spotted!

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