Wood Landscape


No longer a newbie, moving up!
May 9, 2012
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These images are pretty simple. Make from them what you will. These have almost no processing. Small adjustments to the contrast and levels, that's about it. Thanks for looking!

1500 100.jpg

1500 100-2.jpg

1500 100-3.jpg

wood at clam beach 37.jpg

wood at clam beach 31.jpg

wood at clam beach 13.jpg

wood at clam beach 16.jpg
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Some very nice shots of some very interesting wood. The swirling patterns are mesmerizing. Good job!
There is some good abstract detail in them old bits of wood. Almost alienscape in appearance. Well taken.
Wow Charlie, these are very good, the patterns, textures are mesmerizing. The only suggestion I might offer is print them large and hang them in a place where traffic congestion wouldn't be a problem.
Such fun to get lost in the patterns. Very nicely presented.
Nicely done.
These are great! Many of them look like satellite imagery or topographic maps. Nice work.

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