Would like some feedback


TPF Noob!
Aug 5, 2011
Reaction score
Norway, Svalbard, Longyearbyen
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Hi everyone!

I'm new here and would like to here your opinion on my photography. I started taking pictures in September 2010. I have a Canon EOS 500D and a Canon Zoom Lens 70-300 mm.

Thanks in advance! :))
Looks great so far! I can't tell where the polar bear ends and the snowbank starts. The blank sheet of paper is out of context, though.
Looks great so far! I can't tell where the polar bear ends and the snowbank starts. The blank sheet of paper is out of context, though.

Well, apparently your monitor needs calibration BAD. On my crappy work laptop I can clearly see where the Polar Bear ends and the snowbank starts. The baby seal is kinda hard to pick out.

The blank sheet of paper out of context? Really? I think it is a great composition. The DOF is a little shallow. The paper is obviously not blank. It was a piece of black construction paper that was painted white. The table could have been a different shade of white but all in all I think it is not a bad photo.


Post some pics =)
The error comes because you cannot actually upload the file directly only some people can. You have to go to the website you are hosting from (For you that is 500px) and find the files you want to share. Find the "share" link (it may be called something different I have never used 500px) and copy the tag that looks like
and then paste that into your post.
Right-click an any image where you host them, and choose "Properties" or "Show Image Properties", something like that. Look for a URL, with will start with 'http' and end with the file type such a .jpg or .gif.

Copy that URL, then return to your post.

Put the URL between the image tags, so it looks like this: [IMG]http://www.webshostsite.com/wheremyphotosare/imageABCD.jpg[/IMG]

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