I'm sure many people come through here looking for parts for obscure enlargers, but I am somewhat desperate, as this is my favorite(oldest) setup. I recently moved and a couple of pieces were damaged or destroyed. I am in need of a new blue dichroic filter (though would gladly take a set) and a filter holder. I have a ton of beseler plates of all formats, 135 to 6x7 as well as more obscure types. If I cannot find replacements, I may end up selling/parting the whole kit for those looking for parts.
I am willing to pay a reasonable price for the above, or trade generously. I know I do not have a reputation here, though I have a mild reputation on other forums. If you have a reputation here, I am willing to paypal/etc first.
I'm sure many people come through here looking for parts for obscure enlargers, but I am somewhat desperate, as this is my favorite(oldest) setup. I recently moved and a couple of pieces were damaged or destroyed. I am in need of a new blue dichroic filter (though would gladly take a set) and a filter holder. I have a ton of beseler plates of all formats, 135 to 6x7 as well as more obscure types. If I cannot find replacements, I may end up selling/parting the whole kit for those looking for parts.
I am willing to pay a reasonable price for the above, or trade generously. I know I do not have a reputation here, though I have a mild reputation on other forums. If you have a reputation here, I am willing to paypal/etc first.