Yay, Sport is Finally Starting Up


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Dec 5, 2017
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SF Bay Area, California, USA
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After being shut down since August, our high school sports is finally starting.
The first event is a cross country meet, this Friday.

It is going to be "virtual." Don't ask, I do not know what that means. I am going to guess that it will only be our school, the other school will be at their school. But HOW they are going to do cross country virtually, I have no idea.
I will find out on Friday when I go to shoot it.

My students will FINALLY be able to shoot a real event.
No such luck here.
The sports have been ranked by amount of contact.
High contact sports have been put into a lower level, where the infection numbers in the county has to drop to that level before they are allowed to play.
So, unless there is a pretty fast drop in the infection level, there is a good chance that some of the sports will not be played this school year.

We are starting off with NO-contact sports: girls tennis, girls golf, swimming and cross country running.
I don't know why boy's golf is not included. Boy's tennis, I understand, because of conflict in sharing the tennis courts.
I'm sorry but kids and healthy people aren't dying in record numbers over covid-19. It's been proven to be about as dangerous as the common flu and that the covid mortality rate is way off and jacked up The hospitals have been manipulated by individuals in govt, etc. to list many deaths as covid deaths when they weren't. Besides, didn't we just watch the "Un Masked, Super Signaling, Bowl." Why isn't the media shouting that everyone probably got covid and will die? Why are the elitists allowed to break their own rules but we aren't? So tired of the political bs. America needs to wake up, reject the media circus and get back to living.
I'm sorry but kids and healthy people aren't dying in record numbers over covid-19. It's been proven to be about as dangerous as the common flu and that the covid mortality rate is way off and jacked up The hospitals have been manipulated by individuals in govt, etc. to list many deaths as covid deaths when they weren't. Besides, didn't we just watch the "Un Masked, Super Signaling, Bowl." Why isn't the media shouting that everyone probably got covid and will die? Why are the elitists allowed to break their own rules but we aren't? So tired of the political bs. America needs to wake up, reject the media circus and get back to living.

Here in Arlington, Va not a single person under the age of 39 has died of Covid-19 39!!!! That is out of 200,000 people. Having said that, we do have to balance that with the fact that a younger person can give it to older people and they are dying at a much higher rate that influenza. I know of several first hand.

I was on a conference call with the head football coach and his staff at my collegiate Alma Mater and they were stressing the steps they were taking to protect the kids. I almost piped in and said I was not worried about players at all. I'm worried about the coaches, professors and staff with whom the athetes will come in contact.

Life is not without risk. I'm exceptionally careful because of a family member's situation but that is me. Others should not be punished because I have to be careful. Basic respectful precautions and common sense - something you won't get from the mainstream anything. Eventually if we lock anything down to tightly and to long no one will abide. Prohibition was a resounding success.
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You guys are starting and I am just about to run out of stuff. (Well the sports I shoot anyway.) Slow pitch softball and baseball are about to start up in March but basketball is just about to end.
At the meet today, I found out what a virtual CC meet is. They run against the clock.
The opponent school at their track does the same, and they compare times, of the various runners.

The AD instructed a couple of the CC guys to figure out a course 'on campus' that they can run with another school. That will hopefully make CC more interesting than X times around the track.

Girls tennis and swimming start in 2 weeks, week of Feb 22.
Swimming will be virtual, swim against the clock.

Today, my Sports Leadership student photographers were excited. Even though it was a virtual meet, they were shooting a real event, not conditioning or practice.
I'm sorry but kids and healthy people aren't dying in record numbers over covid-19. It's been proven to be about as dangerous as the common flu and that the covid mortality rate is way off and jacked up The hospitals have been manipulated by individuals in govt, etc. to list many deaths as covid deaths when they weren't. Besides, didn't we just watch the "Un Masked, Super Signaling, Bowl." Why isn't the media shouting that everyone probably got covid and will die? Why are the elitists allowed to break their own rules but we aren't? So tired of the political bs. America needs to wake up, reject the media circus and get back to living.

Here in Arlington, Va not a single person under the age of 39 has died of Covid-19 39!!!! That is out of 200,000 people. Having said that, we do have to balance that with the fact that a younger person can give it to older people and they are dying at a much higher rate that influenza. I know of several first hand.

I was on a conference call with the head football coach and his staff at my collegiate Alma Mater and they were stressing the steps they were taking to protect the kids. I almost piped in and said I was not worried about players at all. I'm worried about the coaches, professors and staff with whom the athetes will come in contact.

Life is not without risk. I'm exceptionally careful because of a family member's situation but that is me. Others should not be punished because I have to be careful. Basic respectful precautions and common sense - something you won't get from the mainstream anything. Eventually if we lock anything down to tightly and to long no one will abide. Prohibition was a resounding success.

I keep hearing that, that the concern is for the staff, not so much the kids but according to Dr. Fauci all the adults have to do is wear two masks to make them 95% effective so why aren't the adults following the science and letting things go back to normal? Humans are not made to live like this, this has to end.
I'm sorry but kids and healthy people aren't dying in record numbers over covid-19. It's been proven to be about as dangerous as the common flu and that the covid mortality rate is way off and jacked up The hospitals have been manipulated by individuals in govt, etc. to list many deaths as covid deaths when they weren't. Besides, didn't we just watch the "Un Masked, Super Signaling, Bowl." Why isn't the media shouting that everyone probably got covid and will die? Why are the elitists allowed to break their own rules but we aren't? So tired of the political bs. America needs to wake up, reject the media circus and get back to living.

Every time I bring this up at work, I'm looked at as if I'm the one wearing the tinfoil hat.

I'm looking forward to it warming up here and my local dragstrip opening up again. They took advantage of a few loopholes and things were very relaxed there.
I'm sorry but kids and healthy people aren't dying in record numbers over covid-19. It's been proven to be about as dangerous as the common flu and that the covid mortality rate is way off and jacked up The hospitals have been manipulated by individuals in govt, etc. to list many deaths as covid deaths when they weren't. Besides, didn't we just watch the "Un Masked, Super Signaling, Bowl." Why isn't the media shouting that everyone probably got covid and will die? Why are the elitists allowed to break their own rules but we aren't? So tired of the political bs. America needs to wake up, reject the media circus and get back to living.

Every time I bring this up at work, I'm looked at as if I'm the one wearing the tinfoil hat.

I'm looking forward to it warming up here and my local dragstrip opening up again. They took advantage of a few loopholes and things were very relaxed there.

I know the feeling, it makes you feel a little like Rowdy Roddy in the movie, "They Live", with everyone looking at you like, "OMG, he's one of them! :02.47-tranquillity:
I'm sorry but kids and healthy people aren't dying in record numbers over covid-19. It's been proven to be about as dangerous as the common flu and that the covid mortality rate is way off and jacked up The hospitals have been manipulated by individuals in govt, etc. to list many deaths as covid deaths when they weren't. Besides, didn't we just watch the "Un Masked, Super Signaling, Bowl." Why isn't the media shouting that everyone probably got covid and will die? Why are the elitists allowed to break their own rules but we aren't? So tired of the political bs. America needs to wake up, reject the media circus and get back to living.

Here in Arlington, Va not a single person under the age of 39 has died of Covid-19 39!!!! That is out of 200,000 people. Having said that, we do have to balance that with the fact that a younger person can give it to older people and they are dying at a much higher rate that influenza. I know of several first hand.

I was on a conference call with the head football coach and his staff at my collegiate Alma Mater and they were stressing the steps they were taking to protect the kids. I almost piped in and said I was not worried about players at all. I'm worried about the coaches, professors and staff with whom the athetes will come in contact.

Life is not without risk. I'm exceptionally careful because of a family member's situation but that is me. Others should not be punished because I have to be careful. Basic respectful precautions and common sense - something you won't get from the mainstream anything. Eventually if we lock anything down to tightly and to long no one will abide. Prohibition was a resounding success.

I keep hearing that, that the concern is for the staff, not so much the kids but according to Dr. Fauci all the adults have to do is wear two masks to make them 95% effective so why aren't the adults following the science and letting things go back to normal? Humans are not made to live like this, this has to end.

Human nature. Some people ignore the science, and some think they should be exempt from the mask/assembly requirement, etc.
And this has been going for so long, that people have covid fatigue; they want to get back to normal, despite the risks of getting covid and spreading it to others.

Saying "this has to end," won't make it end. This is a long haul problem.
It won't end until the general infection level gets down low enough, to where we do not have to wear masks.

So EVERYBODY has to do their part.
Wear a mask, stay separated, get vaccinated.
I'm sorry but kids and healthy people aren't dying in record numbers over covid-19. It's been proven to be about as dangerous as the common flu and that the covid mortality rate is way off and jacked up The hospitals have been manipulated by individuals in govt, etc. to list many deaths as covid deaths when they weren't. Besides, didn't we just watch the "Un Masked, Super Signaling, Bowl." Why isn't the media shouting that everyone probably got covid and will die? Why are the elitists allowed to break their own rules but we aren't? So tired of the political bs. America needs to wake up, reject the media circus and get back to living.

Here in Arlington, Va not a single person under the age of 39 has died of Covid-19 39!!!! That is out of 200,000 people. Having said that, we do have to balance that with the fact that a younger person can give it to older people and they are dying at a much higher rate that influenza. I know of several first hand.

I was on a conference call with the head football coach and his staff at my collegiate Alma Mater and they were stressing the steps they were taking to protect the kids. I almost piped in and said I was not worried about players at all. I'm worried about the coaches, professors and staff with whom the athetes will come in contact.

Life is not without risk. I'm exceptionally careful because of a family member's situation but that is me. Others should not be punished because I have to be careful. Basic respectful precautions and common sense - something you won't get from the mainstream anything. Eventually if we lock anything down to tightly and to long no one will abide. Prohibition was a resounding success.

I keep hearing that, that the concern is for the staff, not so much the kids but according to Dr. Fauci all the adults have to do is wear two masks to make them 95% effective so why aren't the adults following the science and letting things go back to normal? Humans are not made to live like this, this has to end.

Human nature. Some people ignore the science, and some think they should be exempt from the mask/assembly requirement, etc.
And this has been going for so long, that people have covid fatigue; they want to get back to normal, despite the risks of getting covid and spreading it to others.

Saying "this has to end," won't make it end. This is a long haul problem.
It won't end until the general infection level gets down low enough, to where we do not have to wear masks.

So EVERYBODY has to do their part.
Wear a mask, stay separated, get vaccinated.
If someone is worried about getting covid then they should wear their mask so they don't get it.
Shot a "virtual" swim meet.
The swimmers were swimming against the clock.
Then they compared the times to the schools they were "competing" against.

Not as competing as head to head, but for the students, it was better than nothing, and they were getting into it.

46 races, and I shot a bit over 3,100 frames. :eek: That was WAY more than I ever shot at a school game. But I don't think I ever shot a full swim meet.
UGH, the culling and editing is goina be brutal.
UGH, the culling and editing is goina be brutal.

Wow! My new camera can do 20 fps but I have no idea how I would cull through it so many shots. Good luck.

You've reminded me to check the status of college baseball.

And I dropped the frame rate down from 19fps to 10fps.
10-15% of the culling is easy. Then it gets harder.

How do you eat an elephant?
I am culling and editing in 10 race batches, which is still difficult but does makes it more manageable.

What just ticked me off is that the school's web site that I upload to, does not have a sort by file name option. When I upload the pics, they are usually not in order, so I have to manually sort the pics, and it is painfully slow to do one pic at a time . . . GRRRRR I need to contact the site's tech support.

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