YN560II - outdoors photography question


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Aug 8, 2011
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hi guys!

One flash (YN560II) will be enough strong to the photograph with ND (3 stops) filter in outdoors ?

*the flash might be in 80cm softbox!

*sunny days / Places with shadows

* The model always there will be with the back to sun

*shooting between f/1.4 to 2.8


can your camera do HSS?
If your using the ND filters then it should work.

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thanks for the video.. but he doesnt use flashes
thanks for the video.. but he doesnt use flashes

Sorry wrong video. Here is one where he is using flash with ND filters. Even though he doesn't use flash it is the same principal, you might have to use a higher power setting for the flash. or put it closer to the subject.

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His flash more strong than my YN560II (only 75W)..

by the way i have the same softbox like he has..

but i dont know if 75W its strong enough for shooting like this..
His flash more strong than my YN560II (only 75W)..

by the way i have the same softbox like he has..

but i dont know if 75W its strong enough for shooting like this..

when you use shutter speed to "overpower" the sun, the flash doesn't have to be as powerful, and as an added benefit, you can actually use your viewfinder.
What camera are you using ?

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hi guys!

One flash (YN560II) will be enough strong to the photograph with ND (3 stops) filter in outdoors ?

*the flash might be in 80cm softbox!

*sunny days / Places with shadows

* The model always there will be with the back to sun

*shooting between f/1.4 to 2.8



Assuming the ND filter is on the lens.. it will reduce the sun and the flash equally.

Sunny 16 says ISO 100 in bright sun expects 1/100 second at f/16, which is 1/200 second at f/11. This 1/200 is likely maximum flash sync speed, faster shutter speeds are not possible with flash. The camera might be able to to HSS, but the Yongnuo 560 cannot.

I doubt you can get near f/1.4 in bright sun. A camera and flash both with HSS capability might, at least f/2 (at reduced range).

The 3 stop ND changes bright sun f/11 1/200 to use f/4 1/200 second. Sync will not allow using a faster shutter speed to reach f/1.4. A few cameras can do 1/320, but not most of them. Some camera and flash can do HSS, but not the 560.

The 560 is as powerful as any of the most common hot shoe speedlights. The Guide Number chart in 560 manual says (for example), full power at 50mm zoom is GN 138 (feet).

This means f/11 allows 138 feet / f11 =12.5 feet range.


This f/11 computation would compare to f/4 with the 3 stop ND filter (numbers would compare to 1/8 power level).

This is for full exposure, fill at -2EV would allow double this computed distance.
So you are probably OK, but this is the time to practice in the back yard first.
i have D800.. max sync speed is 1/320 .
I also have the YN-560II. You will have to put it closer, try use his technique, or shot when it's cloudy or later in the day. You can also buy another cheap flash and use two at the same time.

CowboyStudio 4 Way Flash Bracket - Shooting on a Budget

He overpower the sun using 4 cheap flashes.

Thanks for the link to my article, glad it's making its way around the internets.

OP: One 560II will have issues in direct sunlight due to its power (even though it's as powerful as top of the line nikon/canon counterparts) Let's do the math... Sunny 16, we're shooting at ISO100, f/11, 1/200 (to adjust for sync speed) --- one 560 II in a typical modifier will put out about f/4 + 5/10 at 8 feet. To get the f/11 needed to match the sun, you need to have the modifier 4 feet, and the flash running at full power. It's doable, but limited. By adding more flashes like the mentioned article says, you can increase the distance, reduce the power for faster recycling and longer battery life, or both.

Using ND filters is immaterial to the requirements of the flash, you'll need the power anyways, they just let you shoot with wider apertures like you're wanting... but a 3 stop ND filter will only get you f/4 without pushing your sync speed. to get 1.4-2.8 you want in direct sun, you'll need 4-6 stops.
hi guys!

One flash (YN560II) will be enough strong to the photograph with ND (3 stops) filter in outdoors ?

*the flash might be in 80cm softbox!

*sunny days / Places with shadows

* The model always there will be with the back to sun

*shooting between f/1.4 to 2.8



This is the PERFECT situation to use a POWERFUL, single flash....something like say a 300- to 400-Watt-second monolight run off of a small sine wave inverter/battery. LIKE THIS ONE: Paul C. Buff - Vagabond Mini Lithium
thank you guys!

I already have 3 YN560II in my home but its really clumsy for me to take them outdoors

mabye i will take two of them.
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