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Feb 26, 2008
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How about 14 screaming, cheering, pom-poming cheerleaders! They each got 10 individual shots plus 15 team shots.
Critique away!!







Great business idea.

Most of the cheerleading camps around here are all attached to companies already... were you able to pry them away?
I'm guessing it was a long day with 10 individuals and 15 group!

For me, I'm not a fan of the the b/g. It is drawing my attention from the focal points (the girls). As the the portaits, I think your depth of field is a couple of stops too shallow. The eyes are crisp and sharp, but I personally like to retain that sharpness around the chin. The reason for this comment is because I don't think the subjects need a soft touch. Soft touch works really well with brides and babies, but not in this case for me.

Looked like a fun session though, I'm sure the girls had a blast.

Also for a final point, I dont know if you cropped the portarits at all, but when I shoot portraits for teams, I will compose my shot having left and right space to allow for potential team name as a vertical banner and crop tight if its not required. Just a thought!
Great business idea.

Most of the cheerleading camps around here are all attached to companies already... were you able to pry them away?

They actually came to me. Their old photog hadn't been giving them the service they wanted, and this year he increased his price by double. So, the cheer coach had seen my work and called me up.
I'm guessing it was a long day with 10 individuals and 15 group!

For me, I'm not a fan of the the b/g. It is drawing my attention from the focal points (the girls). As the the portaits, I think your depth of field is a couple of stops too shallow. The eyes are crisp and sharp, but I personally like to retain that sharpness around the chin. The reason for this comment is because I don't think the subjects need a soft touch. Soft touch works really well with brides and babies, but not in this case for me.

Looked like a fun session though, I'm sure the girls had a blast.

Also for a final point, I dont know if you cropped the portarits at all, but when I shoot portraits for teams, I will compose my shot having left and right space to allow for potential team name as a vertical banner and crop tight if its not required. Just a thought!

They chose the b/g. It's across the street from the High School, so I guess it's a local fave. They use the same park every year, sort of a tradition? (This school is about an hour away from where my studio is, so I was at the will of the cheer coach as far as suggesting another location. I did bring my backdrop and stands, she wanted the park!)

I understand what you mean with the DOF. I was using my 50mm 1.4 on the portraits. I never took it below 3.5, I was going for speed and light. I suppose they are old enough I could have just asked them to sit still and used a higher aperture!

I LOVE, LOVE the idea of allowing space for a team name. These are just a few of the shots, there were some full body "action" type shot of each girl, but the close ups are as shot. Next time I'll leave myself some room, thanks!
How about 14 screaming, cheering, pom-poming cheerleaders! They each got 10 individual shots plus 15 team shots.
Critique away!!
I got nothin'... anyone that's willing to take on a challenge like is miles ahead of me!

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