You Really Want A Piece Of Me?????


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Mar 29, 2016
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Up close and personal with the beast................
What great detail.
I wouldn't argue with that beast.
@vintagesnaps when you're standing just a few feet away, the detail is easier to capture. The only thing separating us in the pasture, were two little electrified wires (removed post). I wasn't as worried about him charging me, as I was accidentally touching one of those wires as I inched closer. :aiwebs_016:
Too close, cutting off the chin means this shot should have ended up on the cutting room floor.

Space was very limited behind me and the head is really big on these creatures, that's why it was posted in the "Just For Fun" thread as it wasn't meant for serious consideration.
Space was very limited behind me and the head is really big on these creatures, that's why it was posted in the "Just For Fun" thread as it wasn't meant for serious consideration.

Right enough mate, sorry. I didn't notice this was in the JFF section when I posted those comments. Apologies.
Nice and sharp! Hope you used a long lens
Nice and sharp! Hope you used a long lens

Actually not long enough. I was in a feeding alley, with a barn at my back. He was about 6 ft away. The only thing separating us were two skinny strands of electric fence that I was shooting through. The fence actually worried me more than he did. He knew "exactly" where that fence was....I didn't. LOL

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