Your Head Is Next Mr. Roboto


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Sep 19, 2011
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Just an image of my son attacking our custom made robot.

Cute, though I do hope the edges on those can tops are dulled. I wouldn't wamt him to cut himself!
Yes they are, and its funny how babies always find the most dangerous things to play with isnt it?
Is that the robots leg or....?

Seriously though, cute picture. :)
Cute scene!
Nice "robot" :D!
And yes, I think his first leg came off first, Kazooie, more so, as the title says "head next" ;).
In the battle for my attention, sweet baby is losing out to that really-cool-you-made-that-oh-wow robot! :D Very nice tones and DOF, too. I might even try a closer frame with just robot and baby.
How cute!!!
And what a great lighting in the image!!!
How, all of a sudden you changed the lighting effect from mediocre(don't take that bad) to magical!!!

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