Zenitar Fisheye?


TPF Noob!
Jun 6, 2009
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Spring , Texas
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I wanna get more into skateboard photography , so I was wondering if a zenitar fisheye would give off a good effect with my Olympus E-410?
Or shall i just save up for a differnt type of fisheye? Please help!
I ordered a Zenitar 16mm for my 40D. I know many ppl will say I'm silly but I DON'T CARE! xD I thought I'd give it a go.
Waste of Money.....
I am forsure i'm gonna go with the peleng now.
I did reasearch and you were right!
You just saved me from wastin a whole buch of money!
Thanks a bundle! :D
Waste of Money.....
I am forsure i'm gonna go with the peleng now.
I did reasearch and you were right!
You just saved me from wastin a whole buch of money!
Thanks a bundle! :D

It won't be as fishy as you've probably seen since the Oly's magnificent crop factor of 2.0

It's not so bad though. The Peleng is 8mm and will end up at 16, which is good for a fish.

Also, you're going to want to shoot at probably f/8 and above. Set it there and forget about focusing. CA is the suck on it and it's a soft as you get farther from the center.

Dunno. Decent for the price. Try not to pay over $250 for one though.

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