Zig Zag


TPF Noob!
Apr 6, 2007
Reaction score
Orange County,California
Can others edit my Photos
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Here is a shot i took in San Francisco in a Muni tram station


Thanks i like it too. I was afraid that because of the rain that my san francisco trip would be disappointing when it came to picture taking, but i guess i ended having a couple decent ones. Anyone else? Comments? Improvements?
No need for any big improvements.
Like so many others, also I expected something all different and am now pleasently surprised at what I am seeing :D . Thanks for the surprise.

Little thing: maybe not clip into the G of the nearest "ZIG", but instead giving a little less room at the far end of the line? That's the only "thing he might have changed" that occurs to me now.
No need for any big improvements.
Like so many others, also I expected something all different and am now pleasently surprised at what I am seeing :D . Thanks for the surprise.

Little thing: maybe not clip into the G of the nearest "ZIG", but instead giving a little less room at the far end of the line? That's the only "thing he might have changed" that occurs to me now.

Hmmm yes now that you mention it that would have been better, unfortunately i didn't crop anything off the sides only the top. So i thats how the original picture was. Wish i would have caught that when i took it because that probably would have looked better

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