Ziva Enjoying the Fresh Air


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Jan 31, 2015
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It was 53f yesterday and very sunny. I opened a window to let some of the fresh spring air in and my cat, Ziva, had to jump in the window. I just love the light that was coming in. Saw a photo op.

She's a indoor only cat by the way so I can't really take pictures of her outside.

Nikon D610 + 50 1.8G @ f/2, 1/500 & ISO 100. Processed in Lightroom CC.

I thought this was going to be an NCIS shot.
Love it! You should take her out to lay in the grass. Even on a leash. She would love it!!
Aww is she really feisty? A harness would work. I feel bad for her never feeling grass lol. My cat was a fat lazy thing. She just laid there. Barely moved a foot in 20 minutes. Just rolled around.
Aww is she really feisty? A harness would work. I feel bad for her never feeling grass lol. My cat was a fat lazy thing. She just laid there. Barely moved a foot in 20 minutes. Just rolled around.

I did this to my last cat and she got hooked being outside and one day she snuck out and I never saw her again.

But she won't go near the door even if it's open anyways. Haha.

I've grown grass inside before and she just ate it. Lol
I love this photo. How did you get such soft colours? I just love it :).

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