Any news on the Sigma 1.4 50mm?


TPF Noob!
Dec 13, 2006
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Has anybody heard anything price-wise or when it'll be available??
for that price, just buy a canon or nikon or pentax or olympus or whatever.
for that price, just buy a canon or nikon or pentax or olympus or whatever.
I agree.
When I first heard about a Sigma 50mm F1.4....I said that it had better be either cheap or really really good.
Yea, well, thing is.. I'm not so sure it'll be THAT expensive over here. Stuff is always more expensive in Europe ESPECIALLY in the UK.. I thought maybe somebody had heard something.. you know like.. 'my father works with a guy whose neighbor said that.. blah blah blah..' kinda thing.. :lol:
This is from Sigma maybe a week or so ago,


Thank you for your interest in Sigma products.

Unfortunately the only information that is currently available is on our

There is currently no expected date and unfortunately I really cannot give
an estimate to the release date or price as the only information we were
given is on the site.

If I had to guess I don't think it would be out even in the summer, we may
have more of an idea of when, then.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Best regards,

Dxxxxxxx Gxxxxx
Customer service/technical assistance
Sigma Corp of America
15 Fleetwood Court
Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
631-585-1895 Fax
The canon, 50mm 1.4 is only like $350, and hone heck of a lens, so if sigma could bring it in around $200, I could see a seller.
The canon, 50mm 1.4 is only like $350, and hone heck of a lens, so if sigma could bring it in around $200, I could see a seller.

The Nikkor is around $260.- so I think it'd have to be right around $200.- to make any sense, yes. Kinda crazy they got everyone's panties in a twist over the lens and then don't release anything else. :confused:
The canon, 50mm 1.4 is only like $350, and hone heck of a lens, so if sigma could bring it in around $200, I could see a seller.
I wish Canon prime built quality could be as good as the Sigma, and shipped with a freaking hood ^_^
I love the Sigma I got, the HSM system is as fast as the Canon USM, the built quality is far better (the canon feels a little like a toy), but I think the IQ is slightly better on the Canon though.
The Sony is around $320-$350 which is what I'm getting, even though I'd love to see if this lens will do anything to compare to everyone else's, especially the HSM.
the only advantage to this lens would be the hsm focusing. great for d40/60 users..? because of the focusing method, i could see the price being $300 or thereabouts. i'm very interested to see how it does in controlled tests. they did an okay job with their 30/1.4.. guess we'll see.

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