Canon or Nikon

I shoot Canon, always have, but have shot with friends' Nikons and liked that as well. I do like the Nikon quality, but the camera felt more simple to me...not that it's a bad thing. It's almost like PC vs. MAC, Canon being PC. I can do more with it, have many more options if I choose to have them, but the Nikon, like MAC, is more simple, and it just does the job and it does it well. It's all a matter of taste. Whenever I pull my Canons out I get huge compliments....MAN LOOK AT THAT CAMERA! they see the 5D with a 70-200L white lens with red ring and it just blows their mind. They see my friend with a Nikon and have not really commented. Someone above mentioned the Nikons looking more aerodynamic...well, if we were throwing them out a window, I guess we could conisder that. I also don't like shiny buttons and things of that nature. I like the all black look, very classy and sleek. And to me, the body size of the Nikon doesn't seem to change much. There isn't an awe factor like there is with Canon. Again, they are both great and I have shot with both but in the end I take Canon. I have thought about switching to Nikon but have too much invested in Canon. I will buy some Nikon down the road to toy around with for fun maybe, like a D90, whatever.
Yeah right! You mean like sliding to On is too complicated for Canon users.
eye dunt no whut u sayn. canun peeple r brilant. dats y we us canun!1!!
I thought Nikon's are rebranded Canon cameras on different bodies, more flashy I may add, with less functions.

I don't like the loud bang and ball of smoke that comes out of the lens when I shoot with a canon.
The simple solution to this conundrum is to buy into both systems. But, then you'll soon realize that you should have gone with Sony...

However, I chose Canon because they put zoom lenses together properly. And, by that I mean the zoom ring. You turn it clock-wise to zoom out and counter-clockwise (or anti-clockwise...) to zoom in. Nikon's are backwards (at least from my limited experience with them).
I don't like the loud bang and ball of smoke that comes out of the lens when I shoot with a canon.

arrr mateys..

take it from the Captain who has no doubt shot a lot Canons...
Holga is best.

Ugh. This place is overrun with Holga fanboys who go on and on about the "whiz-bang" wizardry of Holga's multi-color flash and two apertures (one of which works). Ok, I get that your camera bodies actually keep out 20-30% of light leaks. And, yeah, I know your plastic lenses were imported all the way from a milk jug factory in China -- you've told me a million times. Give it a rest already!

Besides, pinhole cameras will always have better images, without those "lenses" in the way. :greenpbl:

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