Cheap Fisheyes

The 16 on a DSLR becomes a 24 without metering.

no worries :) i wasnt about to buy it i was just curious.

by picture quality do you mean it just wouldnt focus properly except in the center, or something else?
it would just be very soft becuase the lens elements are eather plastic (i would hope it isn't that bad =D ) or very very inferior to even a kit lens, and would just give you very bad quality results, sharpness wise
From the mother of all deals...EBAY, and FWIW from f4 it is sharper at the edge and from f5.6/8 up it's tack sharp. From f8 everything is in focus anyway.

I am in need for a fisheye lens.

Does any TPF member own and uses the Nikkor 10.5 f/2.8 or Sigma 8mm f/4 lens? Then there is the fisheye zoooooom Tokina 10-17 f/3.5 Problem with these lenses is they are almost exclusevly a special order item around the stores and I can't get my hands on either to try out.

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