Does this work


the TPF moderators rock my world!
Nov 12, 2006
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
The sharp ones came out crappy, so I took some out of focus ones:

TBH, not really. Fair attempt though.
i like the colors, but i'd have to agree with maxbloom, i think a clear one would probably look better
The sharp ones came out crappy, so I took some out of focus ones

Your request for critique is a bit "thin" ("Does this work?" in the title) ... so I moved this to the General Gallery.

To my mind, it is an interesting blur you created here, for it goes in circles, it is not linear, and that is the aspect I like about this photo. "Curly blur", funny :D.
Thanks LaFoto, for the move and the critique. I think that's what did it for me too, was the curls. The pin is in focus on the left, and the movement of the ball lets you know what's going on.

The regular ones were so very snapshot, I was bowling and didn't really have time to set up action shots and of course the lighting was poor. Flash looked terrible.

By the way, on my broken foot, I bowled a 127. Ugh. I need to heal more!
I actually really like it :) Unusual and shows a feeling of motion. Not one for a competition maybe but I like it nonetheless.
Thanks EOS.

Competition? Me? nah...

Sell it to the bowling alley?


m'eh, I like it.

Chalk it up as a happy accident.
Maybe this is what bowlers see when they dream.

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