
Fuzzy, wuzzy Nanuq
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Dec 9, 2006
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A Silver Amber Alert has been issued for the following missing person.

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LOL, Get some French roast in the grinder and walk around. He'll come out eventually.
Not sure how appropriate the joking is without knowing the severity of what has caused his absence.
To paraphrase a Jeep saying: It's a Leaderboard/Coffee House thing; you wouldn't understand.
LOL, Get some French roast in the grinder and walk around. He'll come out eventually.
Hey - it looks like San Diego is a go for me - June 27 to July 1, though I'm trying to get in on the 25th.
LOL, Get some French roast in the grinder and walk around. He'll come out eventually.
Hey - it looks like San Diego is a go for me - June 27 to July 1, though I'm trying to get in on the 25th.

OUTSTANDING!!! Hit me up. Dead animal on the grill and beer?
Sounds like a winner. I'll PM as things get closer.
Last seen in a 70's VW bus smoking a big fat doobie with a bottle of champipple in a Brown devolper bottle.

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More likely something grilled rare and homemade pesto
Very old, that's good, that'll get him to come back to the coffee house! lol

Doesn't he know we're waiting for some tri tip?
If he doesn't show up soon, I'm gonna be knocking on his door in June.
OK, I am now getting worried, he has not answered my PM. I hope I didn't say something stupid to offend him....
OK, I am now getting worried, he has not answered my PM. I hope I didn't say something stupid to offend him....
Not sure if that's possible. I say stupid stuff to him all the time and it never offends him.

Sent from my N9518 using Tapatalk

I hope your not right and it was something stupid I said. I miss him.

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