Infant and mom session


TPF Noob!
Nov 10, 2007
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Hey everyone! I'm new to the site and trying to get a business started. Everyone tells me I should, but I don't really have the confidence yet to start charging. I'd love some advice and CC! Here are some pics I took of my sister and my nephew a couple of days ago:



These are just my opinions so take them as such,
1) I like the comosition of the first one, but the skin tones seem a bit yellow to me on the mom, as well I think if she had been looking at the camera it would have finished off the shot

The second one the mom looks uncomfortable, I am not sure but it seems that she is trying to hard to look over and has to lean back and put her shoulder up.

3) I like the 3rd one, but watch the ear. It looks funny because it is being pushed by moms fingers.

I think you are off to a great start!
I think overall its a really good start.
I agree with SpeedTrap on pretty much everything commented.
Just a couple of suggestions to you based on my experience, with each pose you do try and get a couple different looks and smiles from your client. On one shot, have her look at you, then have her look away, etc. That way you and the client have a couple to choose from.
I know it's logic, but sometimes its the easy things we forget to do.
• With the weird ear thing, that'll just come with time (noticing those weird little details). Maybe now you can look back now and see if you have any ones where the mom adjusted her hands.

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