ISO Film vs. ISO Setting


TPF Noob!
Jun 14, 2006
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Toronto, ON
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So, I have a Canon EOS Rebel 2000, and on it is an ISO setting, ranging from . Now, I use Ilford 100ISO B&W film. Out of curiosity, what would happen if I were to change the ISO setting to anything other than 100? If I were to set it to, say, 400, would I be able to shoot it as if it were ISO 400 film, but then develop it longer in the darkroom afterwards, or...?

I guess it boils down to is what happens when the ISO setting on the camera is different than the film used.

Cheers :)
*smacks forehead* sorry about that

so basically, i can push the film (to a certain extent) higher than its rating, but then develop it longer later at 20-25%/ISO rating (from 100 to 200, etc?), and it's more contrast-y?

Sorry man...I guess I'll just take this to that thread hah
Great minds ;)

Anyway, that's pretty much it. Most of the development charts have information for pushing from 400 to 1600, I haven't seen to much on pushing from a lower ISO film.
Just remember that if you change the ISO to push/pull the film, then you will have to develop the entire roll like that. You can't change in the middle of it.

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