lets play a game.

A: I was fishing with my dad in a canoe and we blocked ourselves between a dead tree because there were fish there. I hooked one, my dad leaned over to far and into the water! Unfortunately my camera was in my backpack and was soaked in the water. BUT, after drying it for a few days, it worked! (Now it's in service because of a busted shutter button). I wish I didn't take my camera with me!

Q:What's the worst thing that's happened to your camera?
A: Nikon FE dropped from second floor of a building. Lens was a writeoff, but the body is incredible. The shutter and mirror was jarred and $120 later it was up and running again. My D200 has smacked against a cliff face after I fell 7m because my rope had too much slack and I wasn't paying attention while climbing. But hey this is exactly why I spent the money to get a metal body.

Q: More to the pros out there. Who was your worst ever customer. Ever had a nightmare contract who didn't want to pay?

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