Pics of our 2006 Monte SS


TPF Noob!
May 1, 2007
Reaction score
New Mexico
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Since I know some of you like HDR pics, here are some of our 2006 Monte SS

So here ya go!







and a random pic i had snapped lol


Post up your comments

I think you have the wrong forum. Did you read the guidelines at all?

BTW, nice tail-hole on your ride.
you try and get critiquing done to pics here, and everyone bitches about guidelines....geez....
"You rob one gas station, and everybody bitches about laws....geez.."

Seriously though, this is a forum where you post 1 photo and it gets picked apart in detail. Nobody is going to want to critique 7 photos in one go.

Is detailed critique what you want?

Because it doesn't sound like it. It sounds like you are doing us a favor by gracing us with your photographs.

"Since I know some of you like HDR pics, here are some of our 2006 Monte SS

So here ya go!"

Seems the best place for this post would be in the general gallery. Maybe someone there will comment on your photos.

To me it looks like snapshots of a car your obviously proud of, with the modern equivalent of lens flare added to them.
you try and get critiquing done to pics here, and everyone bitches about guidelines....geez....

I did provide a comment. Something about a nice tail-hole. You could say thank you!

There's no imagination on any of these shots or regard for the viewer. The HDR is neither good nor bad. The composition is just sub-par almost throughout. One shot is nearly average, but you didn't number them and I shouldn't be commenting on critique requests with more than one shot anyhow so you can finger it out.

Monte Carlo. What can you say? Around here it's the thieves choice to steal to drive around to find something worth stealing.

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