Resolution problem for 50mmf1.8G lens


TPF Noob!
Nov 19, 2011
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im reading so much about the resolution changes at f1.8 to f2.8 and then its good after that /...

is this true with 50mmf1.8G lens ? have anyone ever had this issue ?

i shot some at f2.2 and all of the mlook good to my eye ..

(i thought i had out of focus pics but its user error, now the pics are comming out good)
If your photos are nice and sharp and you are happy with them, of what importance are the pixel peeping specifications?

Very few lenses are at their optimum when used at their largest apertures.
The 50mm f1.8g should have fantastic resolution at any aperture. The older 50mm lenses were a bit soft until F2.8, but the new one isn't.
okie thanks

just read somewhere about it
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Don't believe everything you read.

Including opinions you read on a photography forum.
Nikkor AF-S 50mm f/1.8 G (FX) - Review / Test Report - Analysis

On FX, the lens improves significantly upon stopping dow to f/2.8, and improves MARKEDLY when stopped to f/5.6.

Testing on the 24.6 megapixel Nikon D3x shows that at f/1.8, the lens suffers from about a 1.5 EV light fall-off at the edges of the frame, and that level of fall-off drops significantly at f/2.8 to around 0.6 EV, and at f/4, the fall-off is down to 0.3 EV.
I am lost. Resolution doesn't change when you change the aperture of a lens. Resolution is resolution and it's according to the camera's sensor.
You are talking about sharpness and any lens is sharpest stopped down about 2 stops from wide open. That doesn't mean it's BAD wide open, but the best sharpness is going to be stopped down.
I am lost. Resolution doesn't change when you change the aperture of a lens. Resolution is resolution and it's according to the camera's sensor.
You are talking about sharpness and any lens is sharpest stopped down about 2 stops from wide open. That doesn't mean it's BAD wide open, but the best sharpness is going to be stopped down.

Sounds like you are being a bit pedantic on this point...the term resolution is commonly used to describe how many line pairs per millimeter, or line pairs per picture height, a camera OR a lens can resolve. "Sharpness" is not really a technical term, but resolution is.

Nikon D3100 Review: 11. Resolution: Digital Photography Review
Please... Just take those goddamn photos and stop reading about useless bull****. Believe me, there's no need to concern yourself about it when you're posting 800x533px photos. Oh yes, I forgot - unless you're willing to do LARGE format prints, and I mean really big. Let me ask, when was the last time you did one? Yea... so use your lens wide open whenever you'd like to.
oops sorry was out on vacation and back on the forum today ..

yea i meant sharpness i guess .. if its synonymous with resolution that i dont know

but yea i took some more pics this christmas and they look pretty good.i used F2.2 :)
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