So guys...


TPF Noob!
Aug 10, 2005
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Can others edit my Photos
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Can we change my title yet?

It's been a while, and realistically it's not even spelt right.

I'll leave it up to you to think of something fitting...
Ha ha ha!! I'm leaving on vacation soon, and will be gone for several days. I'm frankly hoping you just behave while I'm gone. ;)

hmmm, new title suggestions, anyone? (May as well toss it out to the fan base, Paul.) :razz:
I'll be good. I've been good. I am good. Good good good.
I'm not arguing that. I agree. :D

I'm snowed at work trying to get everything caught up before I leave. I'll change it if someone inspires me with something. ;)
Glowstick Lover is too simple.

Maybe "Glowstick Light-Show Master"
Well, somebody liked it enough to change it. :thumbup: I've barely been here today. 'Twasn't me.

You have secret friends in high places, Bace. :lol:
Well thank you to the phantom name changer. My guess would be MD, just cause he loves my light shows so much.
i just realized you've been here a month and have over 500 posts :shock:

how did that happen? ;)

i'm with the goodie tooshoo, or just to annoy you because of the misspelling, goodie tissue.

or of course that light stick thing works well too.
How would I be a good tooshoo?

Do you have any idea how close to banishment I am right now?
i'll fess up. it was due to your nice comments in my recent threads that helped you out and btw, will continue to help you out in the future my friend. ;)

i'd say you've come a long way your first impression....good for you bace!

*it never hurts to suck up*

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