Sometimes I hate shopping!


Inconspicuous Supporter
Apr 19, 2004
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Portland, Oregon
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And I am not talking about the "we need TP and milk" kind of shopping, I am shopping for toys! I am supposed ot be enjoying it!

I am about 97% sure that a DSLR is in my immediate future so I have been reading and reading and reading trying to narrow in on "the one". I had managed to get myself down to a short list od 350D, 20D, D50 and D70s.

Yesterday at this time I was SURE that 20D was the camera for me. Positive! Done! All I have to do now is decide where to buy it.

Then I got home and had a new issue of Popular Photography waiting for me where they have a DSLR shootout of the "5 top buys". The 2 from my lists were the 350D and D50. after reading that article I started rethinking my strategy and by the end of teh evening I was SURE that 350D was the camera for me. Positive! Done! All I have to do now is decide where to buy it.

So today my work day starts out very chaotic giving my weary brain a break from all the thinking about DSLRs and when I finally get some quiet time I start doing some more side by side comparisons and reading some more reviews about the 350D when I find one comparing the D70s to it.

Next thing I know I am looking (yet again) at the D70s and am.... wait for it! SURE that the D70s is the camera for me! Positive! Done! All I have to do now is decide where to buy it.........

I am going to stop by the camera shop on the way home tonight and spend some time with the 350 and the D70s. Stay tuned campers! I know for a fact that this will be the final decision maker for me.....

it will.... wont it?

Please say yes...
The best thing you can do is to hold them all in your hands...the one that feels the right camera for you.

They are all quite similar, when you come down to it. They are just tools after all. It's like a carpenter buying a hamer...sure there are different kinds...but they all just bang the nail.

Don't forget that the PMA show is this month...and rumor is that Canon will release a new DSLR to replace the 20D. Just what you need...another camera to add to your wish list. If there is a new camera, it will be hard to get for months...but it may also drive down the price of remaining 20Ds still left in stores.
ehhhh ... congrats on whatever you'll end up with :D
Big Mike said:
Don't forget that the PMA show is this month...and rumor is that Canon will release a new DSLR to replace the 20D. Just what you need...another camera to add to your wish list. If there is a new camera, it will be hard to get for months...but it may also drive down the price of remaining 20Ds still left in stores.

I know the "right" thing to do is to wait for that show...

I also know its going to be hard... but I will do my best to hold off until at least the moment of the announcement so I can decide what the impact on my decision will be.
Stop reading and go buy a camera!

Go to a camera shop and test them all. Handle them, shoot with them, and then make a choice. Everyone who writes reviews will be different.

Besides if your luck is like mine after you buy it a new better one will come out in 90 days anyway.
I spent some quality time with a D70s yesterday and I absolutely love it! the D50 seemed just a touch too small for my hands and the 350D was far too small. I did not feel comfortable holding it, so it looks like the D70s is the choice for me.

In the back of my head I keep having this flashing "6MP vs 8MP!" but I saw a 20x30 framed print from a D70 yesterday that blew me away. If you can pull that off with 6MP then 6 is more than I may ever need.

I have also convinced myself NOT to rush out and gte a zoom lens right away. I am going to work with the built in 18-70 and built in flash (for the very rare times when I need a flash) and work up from there.

I am planning on the Camera, memory card, a new bag and possibly a tripod that weighs less than the one I have now so now I can trouble myself with thoughts like "pistol grip, ballhead or 3-way?" "is carbon fiber worth the cost?" and "3 or 4 segment legs?"

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