The Coffee House

@waday I just bought a new car and the first thing I told the salesman was " If you get pushy, I will walk out the door ". It was not a threat. I was simply telling him that I would not play games. I told him what I wanted and would settle for nothing less or more. I went to the dealership knowing the model, tranny and the color ( I thought, but actually changed my mind:1247: ). I think both of us were happy with the deal.
@limr - feel better, Hon.

MLW is working the front 12 @ the Watch Office tomorrow. The staffing officer is her friend, so they are making dinner: meatballs and tomato-basil-mozzarella salad. If I can get my butt out of bed, I'm tagging along, but I'm going to spend the day around Catoctin Mountain / Gettysburg. I'm taking both the fly rod and the camera, so who knows what I'll end up doing.
Why do they do that? They really seem like they are trying to trip us...

Zelda tends to do this only when she senses that I am about to leave the house.That's when she starts running right next to my feet, meowing pathetically, like she's begging me not to leave.

I guess they figure their humans cannot leave if we're lying on the floor with broken legs from tripping over a cat ;)
@waday I despise car dealerships, and the way they run back and forth to a sales manager. Over the years, I've learned the best way is to build the specs on a vehicle, and send it to the sales manger for a quote, for order. Car dealers are notorious to load up vehicles with high margin (for them) accessories.
That's a thought! I, too, despise them. Just the thought of having to deal with a salesperson is getting me anxious. When we bought the car for my wife, the salesman kept talking directly to me. I told him multiple times that it would be my wife's car, she's making the decision, and that he needed to speak to her. He only started talking to her when I ignored him.

That's what happened to me when I was shopping for a car last time. I wanted to test drive an Impreza. The salesman kept directing questions to Buzz and I kept answering them. He lost the sale. I did decide on a different car ultimately, but even if I had decided that I really wanted an Impreza, I would have gone to a different dealership.

When I was shopping for my Cobalt back in 2005, I was shopping alone, so the salesman didn't direct all his questions to my male companion, obviously, but he still almost lost a sale because he kept trying to convince me that I wanted an automatic transmission. "Most women do," he said. "So do most men these days," I said. "Still don't care. It's a deal-breaker for me. No manual transmission, no sale."
Today's news included a report that apparently you can trade food stamps for lap dances (til you get busted and the place gets shut down, that is). In another story, security footage from a Popeyes showed two guys labeled as 'suspected chicken thieves' as they were taking frozen chickens with seemingly not an ounce of sense as one had on a jacket with 'Trust no 1 ever' on the back and the other had his face toward the security camera.

And a guy went into a dollar store and stole - umbrellas. Now why not steal something you can set up in a wallymart parking lot and sell out of your trunk - that people actually want?? Can you see somebody over by his car going psst! got umbrellas here... To top it off, the guy apparently has done this before, so employees chased him and he ran into traffic and got clipped by a car. He wasn't seriously hurt but sat in the street yelling at people.

No, there isn't a full moon or anything...
Walked into the kitchen and the coffeemaker wasn't on. Pushed the button and luckily it began perking.
Got a pretty good mug with which to attempt to get with it.

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Good morning. We’re off to the Watch Office, then I’m heading north. It’s raining slightly so I’ll have to see how that develops. Definite plans include apple cider from Catoctin and photos from somewhere along the way.
Good morning. We’re off to the Watch Office, then I’m heading north. It’s raining slightly so I’ll have to see how that develops. Definite plans include apple cider from Catoctin and photos from somewhere along the way.

Enjoy your day! Looking forward to the photos.

I’m heading to breakfast club then a softball game to get some photos of our league’s fall team for our social media then a walk in the woods with the dog. Have lots of chores to do this afternoon including getting the pool squared away for the winter and yard work. Later Hosers!
Why do they do that? They really seem like they are trying to trip us...

Zelda tends to do this only when she senses that I am about to leave the house.That's when she starts running right next to my feet, meowing pathetically, like she's begging me not to leave.

I guess they figure their humans cannot leave if we're lying on the floor with broken legs from tripping over a cat ;)
I get a lot of that here, from Bex - the babycat. She is very concerned about my comings and goings and darts in front of me a lot. I take it as an attention getting device - and it works, sometimes exactly as you experienced! :lol: Finn came to us as a stray, and she is much less concerned about her humans. She yawns in my face when I tell her I'm leaving, and when I'm back - even 6 hours later - she yawns in my face some more. They are very different girls.
Not just cats. Sadie Mae is clingy she wants to be as close to us as she can get. Might be partially due to her previous life, where she didn't get much attention. It can get to be a challenge at times.
There might be a cat or three that could make it in our house. But I wouldn't want to bet on it.

4.4x hours today and 33.13 for the week.

Off to the post office.

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Oh goody. The power went out about 10 minutes ago. Yippee.

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I didn't do any shooting at Gettysburg, but I got a few at the National Fallen Firefighter Memorial and a local park.

"Skillet," the name with the coins, was ours (work County).

I also have a few of covered bridges but I'll post them on Sharon Cat's Alternate Routes, later.
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The power came back WELL before the worst estimate. Was reading by flashlight and all the sudden there was light (and AC!)

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