Time for a new iPhone - recommendations?


hear me roar
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Mar 18, 2013
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99% certain of sticking with iPhone since it will synch up nicely with my iPad Pro where I edit my photos the majority of the time. Also like to have Facetime for when I'm traveling without my family and want to check in.

Currently I have the 6s plus so I am about 4 or 5 models behind. And it's only 16GB so I am desperately in need of an upgrade. Anything will be an improvement but I'm looking for big screen, decent camera, good battery life.

Anyone have a certain model to recommend? I'm looking at either the XS Max or the XR at this point.
Yeah, the new 11 pro is coming out soon.

I definitely don’t need the latest/greatest but I do want to get something soon. Leaning toward the xs max but have to find time to see it in person before committing.
The wife and I both need new ones, as well. We are/were actually waiting for the new one to come out in hopes of getting an older model at a cheaper price or even “free” with promotions.

I’m definitely going to follow this thread for any recommendations that you get! Also, can I request that you let us know what you decide on and why? If I buy one soon, I’ll do that same! :)
I'm going to figure it out this weekend and get something. Will let you know.
Might wanna read this...
99% certain of sticking with iPhone since it will synch up nicely with my iPad Pro where I edit my photos the majority of the time. Also like to have Facetime for when I'm traveling without my family and want to check in.

Currently I have the 6s plus so I am about 4 or 5 models behind. And it's only 16GB so I am desperately in need of an upgrade. Anything will be an improvement but I'm looking for big screen, decent camera, good battery life.

Anyone have a certain model to recommend? I'm looking at either the XS Max or the XR at this point.
Might wanna read this:

iPhone owners say handsets mysteriously 'acting up' after iPhone 11 launch
Might wanna read this...
99% certain of sticking with iPhone since it will synch up nicely with my iPad Pro where I edit my photos the majority of the time. Also like to have Facetime for when I'm traveling without my family and want to check in.

Currently I have the 6s plus so I am about 4 or 5 models behind. And it's only 16GB so I am desperately in need of an upgrade. Anything will be an improvement but I'm looking for big screen, decent camera, good battery life.

Anyone have a certain model to recommend? I'm looking at either the XS Max or the XR at this point.
Might wanna read this:

iPhone owners say handsets mysteriously 'acting up' after iPhone 11 launch

Have not noticed any slow down or acting up issues. I just want to upgrade to something with more GB and with newer camera options. Also battery life is no longer great on this one as it will be 4 years old in a few months still with original battery. Starting to see the charge level drop from 99% to 30% with very little usage...

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