View from my chair.

Ron Evers

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jun 28, 2008
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In the country 60km north of Toronto, Canada
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Recovering from open heart surgery I am not up & about much but still wanting to take pictures. I thought this view of our cat made an interesting shot. What do you think?

G1, fl 200mm, t 1/30, f 5.6, fill flash

I like any photo of a cat. ;) Hope you are up and around again soon. Take care of yourself.
Good job Ron, just goes to prove that there are pictures wherever you look. Get better soon!
Nice, simple photo. As an owner of two cats (actually, I call them my wife's cats lol), I can identify with this picture. Sorry to hear about your surgery, but glad you're doing well. Good luck with the recovery.
Cat person here too, nice image.

I've had some plumbing work done on my heart too. Sure was nice getting a second chance! :thumbup:

They had me walking the halls at the hospital the day after my surgery. I was expected to make 6 trips a day. But, no driving a car for 3 months. Go figure?
Thanks for your comments folks, I figured cat folk would relate.

Kieth, we can compare scars. ;) I had two stents put in to address 90% blockages when I had a heart attack back in the spring & now a double bypass to address other 80% blockages. This is my price for a penchant for Deli foods; sausages cheeses - fatty foods. No driving for six weeks here.

Others out there, watch your intake of fats or this could happen to you - no kidding.


My chest incision is that long but they closed it differently (no staples). Somehow, they peeled the vein out of my leg through 2 small cuts, one up by my knee (about an inch long) and the other down at my ankle (about 1/4 inch long).

There are different kinds of fat.

Trans-fats (hydrogenated or partially-hydrogenated oils) are the worst and the recommended daily intake is....none.
Saturated fat is next worst and is found in red meat, cheese, sausauge, dairy products. The tropical fats are high in saturated fat too, palm oil, coconut oil. etc.

Mono-saturated and poly-saturated fats (olive oil, canola oil) are beneficial for heart health. :thumbup:
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Ron, you need to hurry and make another post. It is at "666" right now.

Ouch is right! I hope you're on a lot of drugs. Good advice on the fats. I do try to moderate, but sometimes... you know!

I'm a dog man myself, so no reply there.:lol:

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