Which android phone to buy ?


TPF Noob!
Sep 13, 2023
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I'm planning to buy a smartphone (or maybe a tablet ? Don't know yet. A smartphone could be usefull) to use it with ireal pro since it seems to be usefull.

Which model of smartphone is worth buying ? I don't want to spend a lot of money for it...

I think I need a big screen, but what size is the minima to use it to rehearsh songs etc. without being at 2 centimeters of the screen ?

Do I need a good processor, a lot of RAM ?
What are you using right now and what is the most important change (improvement) do you want?
A tablet provides the larger screen you'll need to rehearse songs, but it doesn't have a phone. Do you need a phone? There might be some tablets that do both but they're probably very expensive. You don't say anything about a camera. You're not clear what your needs are. Maybe you need both a phone and a tablet.
Sell something and get the S23 Ultra.

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