Which head?


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Well I have recently got hold of a Manfrotto 055XPROB tripod and now need to get hold of a head to go with it.
I was going to go for a MN-488RC2 head as I mostly shoot (or at least attempt to) wildlife, birds and the odd flower, so I wanted the flexibility of a ball head over a 3 way head.

However since seeing some shots of the 322RC2 being used with the 055X I have been thinking of going with this head as it would allow for greater compatibility with the tripod, especially when it is the the lower positions and the center pole is at the horizontal.

Thus I am thinking of going for the 322RC2 and then possibly getting a MN-468MGRC2 at a later date for using with slightly heavier lens set-ups than I have now.
What are peoples thoughts on this plan - are there any heads that I should also consider or any flaws with my plan as it stands? So far I have only been able to decide that I will definitely get a right angle bracket for the tripod - even with the versatility of the 322 there will be times that I will want the head in the vertical when low down.

The kit I intend to use with this set-up is as follows:
All the kit listed in my sig ;)
+canon 70-200mm IS f2.8 + 2*teleconverter (once aquired will probable be the main set-up I use - with 2* appearing every so often)
+canon 300mm IS f2.8 + 2*teleconverter (the most in weight that I will be using in the foreseeable future)
I had the 322rc2 head and it was great for wildlife. Had it on my 190xprob. Very versatile and locks at any position with very little creep.
Most suited for the smaller telephotos upto about the 8lb range though it says it supports 15lbs. Not in vertical mode though. Anything off-center really is unstable. You can switch the baseplate around which is cool and it is ambidextrous. Very intuitive for panning flying birds, and running stuff. I normally had the handle on the left and panned with that while my right was on the shutter. Can splurge for the cable release if you want.
I believe those were pics of my setup. The 322rc will hold a camera and a canon 100-400 lens easily. I wouldn't hesitate putting a lens up to 5 lb. lens and a camera on it.

Just for a photo op I put my 400 f/2.8 at 12lbs + camera on it but I wouldn't try to even put that combo into use. It did hold it better than I thought it would.

The 055XPRO / 322RC combo is pretty nice though.

I am very curious about the 322RC2 as well, but for different reasons. I posed this question in another thread but since this one is questioning for the head, I will repeat myself.

I already have the 488RC4 head but will be having two shoulder surgeries. The first is next week and a couple of months later the other shoulder. This will put me in the position of being a one-armed bandit for the next 6 months or so. I need a ball head that can be operated with one hand. I have a sherpa in mind to haul the gear. :lol:

If there is one that is better than the 322RC2, please chime in. I wish to order one by the weekend.

BTW, my longest / heaviest kit will be Nikkor 300mm f/4 and 70-200mm f/2.8 with a 1.7TC.
hmm been looking at the cable release options - but can't work out how they work - one appears to be manual, but how you set this up with the camera is a quandry for me - the other is electric but again I can't see how to get it to work.



And as you can see - amazon lists them as the same price - anyone got any experience with using either?
Just for a photo op.....
Show off! :lol: We all see the other two white lenses on the mantle.

But my question still remains....can you use the 322 as a one hand operation?
I believe those were pics of my setup. The 322rc will hold a camera and a canon 100-400 lens easily. I wouldn't hesitate putting a lens up to 5 lb. lens and a camera on it.

Just for a photo op I put my 400 f/2.8 at 12lbs + camera on it but I wouldn't try to even put that combo into use. It did hold it better than I thought it would.

The 055XPRO / 322RC combo is pretty nice though.

Oh it will hold the weight, but once you tilt it off-center, things get freaky. You will need some serious wrist strength to wrangle that rig (insert jokes here). Mind you, your 100-400 is like 2 lbs though. I also had the 190 model which is a bit lighter and less stable to begin with.

As to your question kundalini, with a cable release, it is the only one-hand operated ball head that I know of that can switch from left to right like you might need. It can support a heavy lens better side-mounted and give you better one-arm control. Slik makes a pistol grip but it looks fairly crappy.
As to your question kundalini, with a cable release, it is the only one-hand operated ball head that I know of that can switch from left to right like you might need.
Cheers soylentgreen.

If you decide to get the 322RC2 then this is a nice little add on you might like.
Well made and works smoothly. I added one to my 322 not long after I got it and never took it off. Fits so nicely together you would think that they were made for each other.
Well the head arrived today!
After some playing arond with it I have set it to lefthand control so that I can use my right hand to operate the shutter. Its not ideal due to weight and the fact that I can't easily zoom (or focus) with my lens if I am tracking something.
As a result I am no heading for a remote (birthday list now) but am still wondering if any here have tried them out - I am still wondering what sort of release they offer - is it just a single click or will they let the user half depress to autofocus?
ahh! stop showing those -- I want them!
ps look to the right and there is a len case - I wonder what wonders are within?

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