You have pets? What was (is) your weirdest pet?


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Nov 11, 2003
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Ahwatukee, AZ
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Growing up I had many pets, the unusual kind. I had several rabbits, miniature hens, pigeons, parakeets, canaries. Also my father had a huge aquarium with exotic fish.

About 21 years ago I had a tarantula pet. Very gentle and placid, I kept her (it was a female) in a vivarium.

Now I have two cats, a Scottish Fold named Duncan McCloud (what else??) and a mutt kitty named Tiger (what else??). Also have a rescued Dachshund mix female, pretty old but still at it.

Now, a tarantula is a weird pet, I know... :roll:

What pets do you have? What's the weirdest one?
I have a Leopard Gecko. Not weird to me but some people look at you funny when you say you're off to go buy crickets.
I currently have a dog (Chief), 3 cats (Lucie, Boo & Poon) and 2 horses (Shadow & Royal).

I've had dogs, cats, snakes, lizards, mice, hampsters, rats, bearded dragons & birds but I think the oddest pets I have ever had were 2 dumpy tree frogs. They were so cute but I never met anyone else that had them as pets.

Crickets aren't too bad. Just try telling people that you are off to buy pinkie mice for your bearded dragons to eat. That gets some interesting comments and looks. Especially if they hang around long enough to watch the meal. :shock:
You freaky people with your arachnoid/reptilian pets....

I dont think Ive ever had weird animals, but the pets Ive had have all been a bit nuts.
We always had more than one at a time but at present Ive only got my beautiful pooch, Darcy. The Maltese Terrier Super Rock N Roll Dawgie.
My first pets were mice. My friend had a snake that he fed mice to. Well there were 3 gray mice that neither of us wanted to feed to the snake. So I took them home with me. They were awesome pets.

I had a lot of fish but I could never keep them alive for long. I have fish now but its in a 55gallon tank. For some reason if they were in a 15 gallon tank they didnt last long.

I have a cocker spaniel named Shiloh. Hes the best dog ever.

rescued a cat. Not sure why because I hate cats. But he ran away when I was young.

We have a rabbit that wont frikin die. One of these days Im gona eat it. :twisted:

I would love a ferret. But I dont have the time to take care of it. I would love to have some reptiles in the future too.
Pretty sure i've had one of these at some point.
Arent they the best? Although its a little haunting when you wake up in the morning and its sitting rite by your face looking at you with that huge smile. I have wet my bed a few times from pure fear. But I love it none the less.
As you all probably know, I'm a fish freak. We've only got the 125 gallon reef now, but at one time in the past I had a 110 gallon, a 55 gallon, a 125 gallon, a 29 gallon, and a 10 gallon all up and running in the house. It sounded like a freakin waterfall. :lol:
lol, well at least I don’t feel so alone now. My house right now is a petting zoo.

1 puppy (Matty) Macaw (Mac) Turtle (Ginger) 1 adult cat (Turco) and 5 , 5 day old Kittens which I’m in the middle of naming...I would have to say Mac is the weirdest one, and the loudest...
Pets are great, aren't they??? I can't imagine not having critters in the house.

Growing up: horses, cats, dogs, birds, fish, gerbils....and the like. :D

Now: one cat, one dog.

<<<<<----- He's definitely the goofiest of the lot.
I agree, I dont know what I would do with out my pets...prolly spend more time with the hubby...hmm I think I need more pets ;) j/k
I have three snakes, a Ball python, a California king snake and a "snow" corn snake.

I have two Bearded Dragons, one light yellow and one dark red.

I have a Veiled Chameleon.

I also have a cute little dog, shiatsu / bishon

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