1 for C&C, the other for the heck of it!


TPF Noob!
Aug 18, 2010
Reaction score
Austin, TX
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I shot a quinceanera this past weekend and here are a couple of the results. The first pic I really need help with. To me, they look kinda greenish. It's not natural. Could this be the white balance? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm usually able to nail skin tone outdoors but this one got away from me.
The second is just a shot that I enjoyed and wanted to show. Yea I know two of them arent as high but trying to get this many kids jumping in unison was not an easy task! lol


You are probably right that this is a tint problem. You have high concentrations of both green and pink in this shot so it might be a bit difficult to get a proper white balance. They due look a bit green but not anything I would call horrible or unworthy of presenting to the client. It does look just a over exposed. get it to mach the second shot. Love #2 great playful shot. Lots of energy and enthusiasm.
I played in Lightroom and, yes, it can be improved with a small adjustment in exposure, temperature and tint if you want to take the time.
Love number 2, too. 11 out of 13 in the air is pretty darned good in the circumstances. :thumbup:
Thanks, I'll play around with it a little more. I have more of the same pose, Ill check those out too
They had a lot of fun with #2, they kept wanting to get it right but after about 10 jumps, it just got worse lol
The bright parts are too bright, the dark parts are too dark.
this is a very quick edit on about 5 different selections.
it would be much better on a high-res but I think it looks better

Thanks Lew, I see what you mean. I think I need to redo this photo entirely.
Okay I'll say it. What the hair??

lol I know it's crazy. It seems to be going around, I've seen a couple of kids with this streak in their hair. You shoulda seen this guy on the dance floor though, he had some killer moves
OMG please tell me that's a Bride of Frankenstein wig. But I would reduce the saturation .....OMG that hair >< sorry OP that hair is way too distracting for me to continue.
bride of Frankenstein- exactly what I was thinking. :)

If you have several of the second shot, maybe you can use photoshop to layer the different shots on one another and merge for one good one with eveyone jumping and visible? Otherwise good shot!

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