12 o'clock


TPF Noob!
May 18, 2012
Reaction score
Old Town, ME
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Was takin pics of my watch, decided to crop in and edit. Came up with this.

well crap, put wrong one up, lol. that one had light spots on the 8 still. Tried to delete it but it wont let me.

man I feel dumb. lol.

Earlier, I took my original watch picture and cropped it and got this


Then spent like two hours editing it and playing with it to get the above pic (the one in the original post).

I went back to original, adjusted levels...applied same crop (took like 20 seconds) and got this...


pretty much friggen identical to the one I spent two hours doing.....only minor cleanup needed *sigh* lol learning is fun
Me too. One day I'll get the hang of it...until then...lots n lots of practicing.

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