A Biblical Peasant Girl

Hooligan Dan

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Mar 10, 2008
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Bay Area, CA
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Not really. Just a girl dressed as one at a Spanish Good Friday service at a local Catholic church. They had a crucifixion reenactment(that I missed). During the service, in which I understood not a single word thus magnifying my boredom, this young girl was sitting behind me. I couldn't let her pass me up. I would have liked to show more of her, but the snowflake sweater sleeves she had kinda ruined the overall look.

It's quite a good capture... I have to admit I'm not sold on the dead space on the right... especially since you can see some guy wearing a open collared golf shirt lol. I think cropping it so it's just her and the woman standing behind her would be better, maybe? I'm not sure.

Either way Dan, you consistently post some great stuff on here and it's always great to see what you have to post. Keep it up!

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