A day at the lake


TPF Noob!
Jun 29, 2013
Reaction score
New York
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Learning to take Kids/Family and Pet photos....and I know I have along way to go! My biggest downfall is I know NOTHING about photoshop, so all my pictures (besides the cropping) are as is pictures. Oye, I really need to find a photoshop tutor!!

Thoughts on how this pictures was taken?

(BTW, I am new to forums too, and I THINK I uploaded the picture correctly....Keeping my fingers crossed! Thank you for your patience with me!!!)

$Gunner edited.webp
Thank you Tanya! It's not my dog though LOL, It was just a random dog and the lake, and his owner was nice enough to let me take his picture AND sign a waiver on the spot LOL And Steve, my next purchase is light room, I just need to save up a bit first.

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