a fall picture


TPF Noob!
Oct 4, 2009
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would love c&c even though its not fall
Beautiful colours, a path I'd like to walk myself.
Somehow I feel like I'd want to see SOME more of the path, a mild tilt of the camera downwards may have helped composition along.
Wow amazing view there! You have fall already? :(
la foto~ i agree i realized that after i took it when i saw it on the computer
desire~ no its not yet fall, although leaves are just beginning to change, this was an old picture from last year
I agree with LF... like the shot but want to see more path leading into the shot.
Along the same lines of LF and Bazooka i think more path would look great, but i think that dropping the entire perspective closer to the ground might be a cool look as well, elongating the path relative to the picture and giving it more depth (perhaps?). I wish I had that kinda scenery close by to me. Great colors none-the-less. :thumbup:
Definitely angle the camera a bit towards the ground, and also lower the camera towards the ground as suggested, I think it'll help quite a bit.
Oh, I was going to say...

I can't wait till fall comes... it's so beautiful.
fall is beautiful but im still in highschool and it meens the beginning of school for me, sadly.

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