A few from my recent newborn shoot


No longer a newbie, moving up!
May 25, 2011
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So I have been working hard on my newborn posing and processing to get the bright, creamy-dreamy skin tones. Each picture I processed a little differently. I'm looking for feedback. :)

I'm pretty pleased with these, however, #2 I will definately get rid of the diaper the next time around.



On my freshly calibrated monitor.. these look very bright! Too much so.... just the skin tones!

Plus I really hope you had that baby's head supported during the shoot.... that is not a safe position....#3
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Thank you! I am printing them now at my local printer. My pictures seem to print darker than I anticipate, so I may have went a little over-kill with the brightness.. :\
Yes, my babies are always supported. I actually composited 3 shots together to get #3. :)
There's a lot of promise I think! 2 is my favorite, in 1 and 3 the little one looks super uncomfortable. They are pretty hot, and you might think of desating the umbilical cord, I know its a fact of life with babes but my eye goes straight there.
There's a lot of promise I think! 2 is my favorite, in 1 and 3 the little one looks super uncomfortable. They are pretty hot, and you might think of desating the umbilical cord, I know its a fact of life with babes but my eye goes straight there.

have to agree with Bossy on that one (just don't tell anyone, I would lose my status in the He Man Woman Haters club!)
haha Gipson. Maybe its because I'm more like a man in that I'm more honest yet bigheaded :P
haha Gipson. Maybe its because I'm more like a man in that I'm more honest yet bigheaded :P

More like a MAN? Oooohhh.. where I could go with that? But I will be nice.. although I do wish you would shave at least... that mustache tickles! And quit farting and belching.. (there is only one lady TPF'r allowed to get away with that! and she may hunt me down and eviscerate me when she reads that!)
giggles *e.rose* <3
So I printed out my pictures and indeed, I need to tone down the brightness a couple notches..
I never got that the baby looked uncomfortable until you said something. I will have to keep that in mind next time I shoot because this baby was pretty much comatose while I had her wrapped up like that that when I looked at the picture, thats what I saw (a knocked out happy sleepy baby), instead of seeing the uncomfrotable look on her face in #1. Luckily, I have a bunch of others similar with different expressions that I can work with from this session.
Its nice to have a place where I can get a fresh set of eyes to view and critique my work. Thank you so much for the feedback. :)
They are a bit too bright for me too. I LOVE that third one!!!
They are also a bit to the yellowy/orange. She is REALLY peach colored.
God only knows what Flickr will do to this...
The white next to the top side is what I used for the white balance adjustment. I did have to reduce the brightness/exposure and I would have reduced more if I had the original file to work with, but as it is it'll just look crappy.

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